Weird leaves on a Blueberry


Active Member
Hello all - I have an otherwise very healthy outdoor 1.5m DJ Short Blueberry plant with some top leaves drooping / curling around. All other plants doing great and are receiving same nutes and conditions.

Any suggestions what might be causing the deformation?


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But it would make sense that DJ Short Blueberry would respond if that’s the case. Had that issue with it indoors.
Hi Gfol - it kind of looks like they’re dying back. Not like any deficialcy, or toxicity or anything.

The only thing i’ve got is that it looks a bit like what the evidence of budrot looks like (botrytis), but that’s usually late in flower. When it happens thought the earl signs of it are the leaves growing out of the buds start to die off, in a very similar way. I know botrytis comes from inside so maybe it’s possible that it could occur this early. Maybe check the stems out and see if there’s evidence of anything there.

Just pure speculation ... hope someone else can tell you more.
Always a possibility but as it has been a dry summer and this far away from flowering, I would be surprised if it was botrytis - will continue to monitor. Will also check to see DJ Shorts BB’s resisitance to disease. Thanks!
Sorry man, just having a laugh at the title... its like, no shit Sherlock lol... I'm mucking around mate, dj's likes and is known for his mutant gear...
No cats or spiders (not mites) Rolling them leaves up?
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