This is a tough one


Well-Known Member
Blueberry northern lights autoflower ph 6.5, grown in soil with organic nutes, been watered appropriately like other plants that are doing well, continues growing, drinks less water as average but droops between 7am to 10pm ish. When i check on it at 4am all the leaves are up and praying. Any ideas on whst could be causing this.the only thing i can think of is mabey the humidy might be 4 points higher from 48 to 51 at night but mid day it looks terrible


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I'm not an expert but it looks like over watered. What pot are you using, looks quite small on the picture. Is the water draining properly? I had a similar problem, roots got bounded because the soil was retaining a lot of water. I transferred the plant into bigger pot and it was fine. One of the reason I change to grow in coco was that.
I'm not an expert but it looks like over watered. What pot are you using, looks quite small on the picture. Is the water draining properly? I had a similar problem, roots got bounded because the soil was retaining a lot of water. I transferred the plant into bigger pot and it was fine. One of the reason I change to grow in coco was that.
Never was overwTerd but a transplant might not be a bad idea thanks for the reply
Its perfectly normal for plants to droop a bit later on in their day mate. If they're up and praying for most of the time they should be sound. I've had a few strains that done that with no issues. Just liked to nod off a bit before the lights went out.

As a general rule though, for the times it's not a natural occurrence. Droop down points to a problem at the root zone.
Usually a lack of oxygen which in the case of soil growing is caused by too much water/ not an airy enough mix or poor drainage in the pot.
I'm a hydro grower though so that's about the limit of my usefulness here lol.
Blueberry northern lights autoflower ph 6.5, grown in soil with organic nutes, been watered appropriately like other plants that are doing well, continues growing, drinks less water as average but droops between 7am to 10pm ish. When i check on it at 4am all the leaves are up and praying. Any ideas on whst could be causing this.the only thing i can think of is mabey the humidy might be 4 points higher from 48 to 51 at night but mid day it looks terrible
If its praying???? That means the plant couldnt be happier. That why they call it praying pose! Lol
Are you giving your plants so much light-energy that they've hit their maximum usable DLI at some point before lights-out? If so, try turning them down 15% or so in intensity, if possible, or moving the ones that can't hang to the perimeter of the light footprint where it's not so strong.
All good advise. Only thing I would ask is if you have a silica supplement in your nutes? I small bit of that helps huge and strengthens the plant up some. My plant was doing that a bit more than i thought it should and silica seemed to help lots
tbh to me, it looks like at a plant that's in its sleep state. So long as its not permanently like that then don't stress. Try not to feed them just before they do that as to not exasperate the issue. Feed them after they go back to the V shape
Are you giving your plants so much light-energy that they've hit their maximum usable DLI at some point before lights-out? If so, try turning them down 15% or so in intensity, if possible, or moving the ones that can't hang to the perimeter of the light footprint where it's not so strong.
Are you saying there's a limit to how much light they can take a day? Give it too much and it'll try to get away from it sort of thing? Not a theory I've heard on the matter but I'm intreagued. I thought it was just normal cos they're getting ready for bed. Like they know it's about to get dark and nod off a bit early.
All good advise. Only thing I would ask is if you have a silica supplement in your nutes? I small bit of that helps huge and strengthens the plant up some. My plant was doing that a bit more than i thought it should and silica seemed to help lots
Scillica helps loads of things, it a Tremendous product! Bit burny when you don't realise you've spilled it on your leg though lol.
Are you saying there's a limit to how much light they can take a day? Give it too much and it'll try to get away from it sort of thing? Not a theory I've heard on the matter but I'm intreagued. I thought it was just normal cos they're getting ready for bed. Like they know it's about to get dark and nod off a bit early.

How much light-energy they can actually use, you mean?

Smart person's answer: Do a web-search for
cannabis DLI

My answer: If there wasn't, you could - in theory - grow one to the size of a small(?) tree in a matter of days, lol. Or at least a relatively short period of time. Yet there's going to be a point where... even in the warmest, most CO₂-enhanced, most illuminated cannabis garden... that adding even more light-energy does not result in increased rate of growth(/flowering). So... Yeah, must be, hmm?

OTOH, most people probably don't attain that state of illumination (nor do their plants ;) ). It's just as likely that they're not receiving enough O₂ in the root zone for the amount of light-energy they're trying to process (in a day's time), it's not warm enough for them to process the amount of light-energy they're receiving, they're not receiving enough CO₂ (above ground) for the amount of light-energy they're receiving, etc.

If you were growing that plant in a 23-gallon DWC reservoir instead of soil, I'd probably have suggested that you add an aquarium power head to your other aeration device(s) and make sure you've got a real good airflow through the canopy, and see if that perked the thing up. But I have no idea how to translate that into the world of inefficient soil and "organics." Re-pot it in a much larger container and be sure to bury a freshly-killed fish head or two in there, lol? IDK. Back in the day, they might have used a freshly-killed thief. So maybe some of the old ways are the best ;) . . . .
How much light-energy they can actually use, you mean?

Smart person's answer: Do a web-search for
cannabis DLI

My answer: If there wasn't, you could - in theory - grow one to the size of a small(?) tree in a matter of days, lol. Or at least a relatively short period of time. Yet there's going to be a point where... even in the warmest, most CO₂-enhanced, most illuminated cannabis garden... that adding even more light-energy does not result in increased rate of growth(/flowering). So... Yeah, must be, hmm?

OTOH, most people probably don't attain that state of illumination (nor do their plants ;) ). It's just as likely that they're not receiving enough O₂ in the root zone for the amount of light-energy they're trying to process (in a day's time), it's not warm enough for them to process the amount of light-energy they're receiving, they're not receiving enough CO₂ (above ground) for the amount of light-energy they're receiving, etc.

If you were growing that plant in a 23-gallon DWC reservoir instead of soil, I'd probably have suggested that you add an aquarium power head to your other aeration device(s) and make sure you've got a real good airflow through the canopy, and see if that perked the thing up. But I have no idea how to translate that into the world of inefficient soil and "organics." Re-pot it in a much larger container and be sure to bury a freshly-killed fish head or two in there, lol? IDK. Back in the day, they might have used a freshly-killed thief. So maybe some of the old ways are the best ;) . . . .
I don't grow in soil mate. I grow in reservoirs or coco and it still happens sometimes. Even in the reservoirs. Thats why I figured it was just a natural thing. It's NFT I do so nothing to do with lack of o2 or over/under feeding in my case.
I do have poor airflow at the canopy though. Well it's not what it should be anyway so that definitely stands out.
Wasn't aware that could cause that but every days a school day. Sounds logical enough now that I think of it.
I do tend to throw a lot of light at my plants aswell. Usually around 60w per sqf. Sometimes more but I don't get any signs of light stress so again never considered that could be the cause of it.
Thanks for the Info bud. All makes sense so I'll look into some more fine tuning and see what happens. Didn't realise it was an imperfection. Just thought some strains liked to sleep early. It's never hurt any of mine so didn't seem like an issue for concern.
Also you sound a lot like me trying to explain organics.
I don't get why you'd spend 6 months breeding worms to spend 6 months cooking their poo. Only to then spend anther few months turning that into a tea so you can use it as a root booster for seedlings?
Just buy root booster :)
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