What’s the best way to LST this plant?


Well-Known Member
I want more branches to get better light. If I bend the plant in one direction to give some branches light, the others will be shaded. I’m not sure which techniques I can use.

Also, I’m sure they’re important, but what is the purpose of the fan leaves? I was thinking that maybe trimming a few off from the top would be helpful in getting more light to penetrate. I’m not sure if Dan leaves is the correct term, but I’m speaking about the stems that don’t produce branches, they just produce one big leaf at the end.


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Don’t trim that plant, fans are the ones with stems, sugar leaves are on the sides of your buds. Fans are the engine, the heart, the solar panels, nute storage, used for transpiration to evap moisture from the plant. You need training not defol also do search on tip spreading and tucking but that should be self explanatory. Tucking is simply folding fans back to get light in better

Light is their food, but they need nutes or vitamins and water. InTheShed has lst tutorial on his signature line. But that would be a great candidate for a quadline... look in main journals for Quad squad or quadline.

I‘m not totally opposed to defol - many are and that’s cool too. But defol can help on a true stacked multilayer bush monster get some air reduce chance of pm but on a little one it would be pissing in front of fan, might be fun for a nanosecond but the blowback ain’t worth it

jump in with this crew reptar Quadline journal
Tie down nodes, bend and tuck fans to expose bud sites. Same auto blueberry domina, 2 week time span.


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First thing , it’s time to Up Pot that plant.
If photo , go up but not final pot. My opinion only.
If auto , go to final pot.
Do NOT trim top fan leaves.
As mentioned above , she needs those leafs. And they are photoperiod.
I did plan to up-pot once the soil dried completely which should be another day or day and a half. I’m moving to a 5 gallon pot with FFOF.
Don’t trim that plant, fans are the ones with stems, sugar leaves are on the sides of your buds. Fans are the engine, the heart, the solar panels, nute storage, used for transpiration to evap moisture from the plant. You need training not defol also do search on tip spreading and tucking but that should be self explanatory. Tucking is simply folding fans back to get light in better

Light is their food, but they need nutes or vitamins and water. InTheShed has lst tutorial on his signature line. But that would be a great candidate for a quadline... look in main journals for Quad squad or quadline.

I‘m not totally opposed to defol - many are and that’s cool too. But defol can help on a true stacked multilayer bush monster get some air reduce chance of pm but on a little one it would be pissing in front of fan, might be fun for a nanosecond but the blowback ain’t worth it

jump in with this crew reptar Quadline journal
I got you. Thanks!
It looks like your plant starts like mine. I quadline my plants and then put a SCROG over them when they’re ready. You can check out my Gelato Liberty Haze journal in my signature. Pretty much a guide for how I do it. You can also see results of defoliation. I don’t recommend defoliation after doing it for a few runs.
The thing about a net is.... if it’s attached to the tent then you can’t move the plant or spin the bucket etc. It may be fine - for example you may have to use side or back door to your tent - so consider that before you paint yourself into a corner. I don’t scrog but I like quadline & manifold so I tie to my limbs to the bucket so if bucket moves so does the whole plant.

Anyway please consider all opinions
I want more branches to get better light. If I bend the plant in one direction to give some branches light, the others will be shaded. I’m not sure which techniques I can use.

You can use any technique you want. Start with shed's tutorial, it's in my signature, too, 'cause it is something everyone growing should check out while here looking to lst.

Poke around, there are all sorts of directions to take that plant. I used string, binder & paper clips and holes in the pot edges to start. After the stretch I use coated wire. I switched during stretch and put a screen over one I had started lst on.

Uppot, give her a nice drink and make a decision. The whole grow is mostly gonna take research, patience and luck. Think two steps forward and one step back...
Hey you can pull that right down, right now, and your branches will grow up something like this, they wont be in the shade, they will twist and turn to get back to the light

This is an auto, but I've done outdoor/indoor photo period and layed them right down and the branches all turn upwards. The only shaded parts would be the normal stuff that gets less direct light like on outdoors the Northern side of most plants is a little runty compared to the rest. GG
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