What is this deficiency?


420 Member
I have 3 Swiss cheese plants and 5 ak's. The Swiss cheese plants look great except there are yellow veins showing up. Now I've seen this before and didn't know why it was and now I still don't know what it is. So the pictures show what's going on. They're in fox farm ocean based potting mix and are week 4 of bloom. It was transplanted 2 weeks before I switched them to flower so I haven't even began feeding them yet. The AK's are fine. No sign of yellow veins anywhere but all 3 Swiss cheese plants have it. I lied I did feed a very light mix of 10-52-10 last week but other than that what is this. I seriously would like a definitive answer like what can I give my Swiss plants that will stop this from happening. These are cloned plants and the first ones didn't do this and they were planted in the same medium as the last ones. Please don't answer with anti informative info. I've been doing this a while. The pH is fine. The nutes I use are fine. I just need to know what to give them to stop this. Because from here its just going to get worse. The yellowing gets worse. Help


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I'd be looking at the ratio of the NPK. You have a lot of P going in when it's not needed. Your N and K are equal. You should be running less N and more K if anything and your P should be a lot lower as well.
A 2:blushsmile:3 ratio like 6-3-9 or 12-6-18 for veg and flower will give good results, but you could adjust for flower with something like a 1:winkyface:3 ratio like 3-6-9.
My .02 cents.
it is very important to learn where on the plant this is occurring so we can determine if it is a mobile or non mobile element that is deficient. It appears to be a micronutrient deficiency, but until I hear back I would just be guessing as to which one.

The effected area is right up there on top of the plant. Mostly the bigger fan leaves and this may sound weird but the fan leaves went from an indica fatty to a darker green with thin fingers. Then they started this. I've had other plants in the past do this and didn't know then what I don't know now.
I'd be looking at the ratio of the NPK. You have a lot of P going in when it's not needed. Your N and K are equal. You should be running less N and more K if anything and your P should be a lot lower as well.
A 2:blushsmile:3 ratio like 6-3-9 or 12-6-18 for veg and flower will give good results, but you could adjust for flower with something like a 1:winkyface:3 ratio like 3-6-9.
My .02 cents.

I've had success with the general organics line so I think I'm going to give them some of that next time. Ive heard that this may be a cal/mag def. Plus like I said i gave a very light feed of that fertilizer like one tbs per 3.5 gallons of water once last week then this symptom showed up
You say your pH is OK, but cal/mag def in soil is usually pH related. I recently had to replace my pH meter because it wouldn’t properly calibrate anymore
The effected area is right up there on top of the plant. Mostly the bigger fan leaves and this may sound weird but the fan leaves went from an indica fatty to a darker green with thin fingers. Then they started this. I've had other plants in the past do this and didn't know then what I don't know now.
Ok the leaf shape change is normal most strains that are hybrids lean indica at first then during flowering they can look completely sativa with little indica traits other than dense buds.And if this started after flowering its cal mag issue which tiger bloom will fix in any fox farm soil.
Being only at the top of the plant, really eliminates a lot of things. Thank you. Now we know that it is a non mobile nutrient. Your choices at this point are: Calcium, Sulfur, Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc.

Please note that Magnesium is not on this list...

I believe we are looking at the beginning stages of a sulphur deficiency. I would add 1 tsp of epsom salt in my next watering for the sulphate, and see if this puts a dent in it.
Being only at the top of the plant, really eliminates a lot of things. Thank you. Now we know that it is a non mobile nutrient. Your choices at this point are: Calcium, Sulfur, Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc.

Please note that Magnesium is not on this list...

I believe we are looking at the beginning stages of a sulphur deficiency. I would add 1 tsp of epsom salt in my next watering for the sulphate, and see if this puts a dent in it.

Why isn't mag on the list? I mean most calcium nutes have mag in it. I have a few things in stock but I'm afraid to start throwing a whole lot at this it may just start something else. I'll try the epson salts and calcium. We'll see. Thanks sincerely
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