What keeps deer away from your garden?

Use deer off they sell it at kmart walmart home depoit comes in a spray bottle stuff is very strong smelling after you spray it you will want to leave:thumb:
Or plant something that they REALLY love nearby - but not right beside - your plants.

Or all of the above. And then get a leopard...
Re: what keeps deer away from ur garden?

I heard Moth Balls will work to keep deer away. I have a problem with racoons digging my plants up. Gonna try moth balls for that. Any body know a way to keep coons from digging up plants?
go to lowes ,home depot,Kmart etc. they have this shit called deer off comes in spray bottle stuff works great! but you have to use it the same day you put your plants out very important.i wouldn't spray on your plants but all around them.the stuff stinks after spraying you will want to leave the area your self.
Re: what keeps deer away from ur garden?

lol.. this was supposed to be a response about the racoonsbut I messed up.. my bad
Re: what keeps deer away from ur garden?

human hair go to ur local barber / or a homeboy thats down to shave their dome. and depending on how much hair u have aquired make a perimeter around the garden . but wouldnt suggest if u not prop 215 complient. u know dna. but it works wonders
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