What was your smallest finishing plants and yield

Well guys im closing in on my first harvest ( between this sunday-tuesday) which will technically be my smallest one. But it will also be my largest :rofl: here are my plants as of today i will also be trying to go for 48 hrs darkness before harvest thanks.
Yeah if people want to add to it lol. Im waiting for my first harvest drying so cant give definitive numbers but they look to be about 2oz each maybe more. All smell really nice except for critical#1 which has lacked any smell throughout the whole grow must just be a bad pheno. They were chopped on tuesday night with all fan leaves removed and hung whole in my tent @ 55-60%RH and about 60F im hoping it should be ready in one week heres some photos theyre not the best but you get an idea. They do look much smaller in the photos than they are. But none exceeded 15" in height from the base.
Yeah if people want to add to it lol. Im waiting for my first harvest drying so cant give definitive numbers but they look to be about 2oz each maybe more. All smell really nice except for critical#1 which has lacked any smell throughout the whole grow must just be a bad pheno. They were chopped on tuesday night with all fan leaves removed and hung whole in my tent @ 55-60%RH and about 60F im hoping it should be ready in one week heres some photos theyre not the best but you get an idea. They do look much smaller in the photos than they are. But none exceeded 15" in height from the base.
Looking good pal, lovely widow to get you ripped :)

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Cheers bud. Finally managed to get dry weights on all plants. Each plant came in just under/over 1.5oz , most were about 40 grams wit two widows coming in about 45+. This gives a combined total of about 7.5oz probably just under. The plants were all hung for roughly 5/6 days and were gave 48-60 hours of darkness before being chopped. I then removed all fan leaves and hung whole. After the 5/6 days hanging they were put into brown paper bags for 2 days. They were not overdried and have been in jars for about 4/5 days. They all smell amazing much much better than i anticipated i was honestly expecting them to either over dry / dry too fast causing hay smell/taste but nope :) the widows are my favorite right now as i love the smell/taste it has a strong sort of cheese type smell but much nicer (to me anyway) it tastes really nice and will only improve with the curing. It burns smooth wth no harshness/crackling/bad taste. The criticals are much the same my brother said he prefers the critical to the widow so its all down to taste. They give off the desired effects im looking for ie couchlock and seems to be good with pain etc as ive been able to cut down on the 2 different painkillers i would be taking every four hours normally which is better for my body. Im chuffed to bits and would like to thank you all for your comments and help. I hope everyone here has a very green christmas , as i know i certainly will. Cheers !!! :)
Nice harvest!!! :goodjob:
Especially your first!
My first harvest using bagseed, MG potting soil and jobes plant food sticks under 4 23w CFLs netted a whopping 7 gr.
Since then I have graduated up to 3 Mars 300 in my grow cab. Now I average about 30-45 grams per plant doing 12/12 from seed.
Love my Mars LEDs...great light for the price I think.
Good luck on your next grow!
Cheers buddy im really enjoying the end product it is very nice and improves daily while its in jars. I would definitely recommend both strains. I really like my mars leds a.t.m but will no doubt replace the 300's for a bigger unit at some point but the 2 300s and 1 600 combination is working well for me. I will post a link to my next journal i am in the process of getting my (hopefully) permanent area finished off, im hoping to have my next run started in the next week or two the sooner the better. I imagine next run will hopefully be better with more variety (autoflowers) not much will be changing next run other than using root riots , a propagator and larger pots (12l smartpots instead of 8l) so i look forward to it and thanks again for the support guys :)
I don't have one to offer....in my first grow :smokin:

:rollit: I have been growing outside and later inside for almost 50 years. I have been growing autos for several years under both HPS/MH and T5 55 watt 48 inch tubes x 6 . I would love to try some of the new and better LED's but not currently possible in my present fixed income semi retirement budget. I get adequate coverage for 3-4 plants to maturity under the T5's. I have averaged slightly over two ounces (growing out 4 varieties 3-4 times per year) under the T5's and just a bit more under the HPS/MH. I have experienced a range of from just under an ounce per plant to over 3 1/2 ounces per plant. Depending on both the variety and particular plant/grow session. Quite economical, with only a $12 tiny circulation fan and a timer needed and 330 watts of power. Organic homemade compost based grows in self pruning 3 gallon bags. No expensive nutes, little work(only a little pruning) and little bothering with grow temps! Most of 3 grows per year in the south I have managed in a well insulated grow room to maintain from 55 degrees to 80 degrees without heat or AC(the Ruderalis genetics seem to like cooler conditions fine!)! In the coldest few days per year a little supplemental heat and if I try to grow 4 crops (being over the hottest part of the summer here) I will need Ac for a couple of months on low to mid range (window unit). I have started to skip that time period and grow only three crops. The buds frost up nice with either light and the quality of smoke is the same. The yield is slightly higher with my 1000 watt HPS/MH (now retired) per plant and of course I can grow more plants with the larger light coverage area (Much higher grow cost with a large ventilation fan ,ducting, wattage and short bulb life). I am happy with my supply! I love hearing others methods and experiences, even if I am too lazy and/or poor to replicate them! Happy Growing and keep it green!:thumb:

Hey Tennessee Tim, you have a lot of experience with t5 grows...I could use your input in my journal if you have some time.

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