What's wrong with my plants?


Active Member
Hey guys im growing hydro and im getting into the end game with my crop. Two or three of my plants are starting to show orange little spots all over certain leaves. A couple other leaves have died off and i think its the same cause. Can anyone help me diagnose the problem? Im keeping the ph steady.


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Welcome, @StuckinTheCloset . Good help will be along shortly. My guess is they need cal-mag and/or potassium, but don't listen to the guy who hasn't started growing yet. I'm really just checking to see if I'm learning anything. @Pennywise or one of the more experienced folks will be more help.
Welcome stuckinthecloset, get a magnifying glass of some sort and under the leaves for small dark bugs. It's looking like possible spider mites cause the yellow spotting. Also they look over fed so I would back off the nutrients just a little. Spider mites are a big problem if that's what it is.
The ph will start to drop once you lower the nutes aswell mate. It will if you lower them enough anyway so just keep an eye out for that.
It's partially root secretions and partially the change in the nute concentration as the plant feeds that causes it.
Once you get the strength dialled in should rise in veg then drop in bloom.
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