Who broke my pipe


New Member
Ok guys my girlfriend is a Notorious pipe dropper!!!!! Every 2 months i get that text saying how she broke or dropped it this time....i think i spend more money on the peices im smoking out of!!!! I now have a totally carpeted patio flooring outside and have actually see her drop a pipe to see it just roll around!!! Whewwww,,,,,,anybody have any great dropped pipes or bong stories that they just need to get off thier chest??? I feel for yous!!! Jolla....:thumb:
Re: Who broke my pipe????

I got a new bubbler for my birthday and I smoked out of it all day. I went to clean it that night and I was shaking it and it slipped out of my hands and I threw it against the wall :(
KABOOM, into like 40 pieces :(
Ah getright im always afraid of scraping and shaking my peices... I have a cast iron sink and ive dropped pipes and glasses and urns and all kinds of glass into it and had a smashed mess!!!!
cured the problem here, got a stainless steel job, drop it all ya like she aint gonna break, took a while to get it and paid top dollar for her but hey, she is a keeper.......:bongrip:
One day, I was smoking out of my favorite steam roller, and eating greazy pizza with some friends who were visiting .I know, I know, should have not done those two things together ( don't know what I was thinking friends and weed bad combo lol). I thought I had wiped my hands clean, nope. It slipped right out of my hands into my lap (burning at this point) I jumped up and tried to grab it. I flipped the pizza slice in front of me onto one of my friends face (yum). The pipe, I missed (darn slippery hands) it bounced off the table and onto the marble floor. sending pieces and burning weed everywhere.
I smashed a bong when ..after doing 2 huge hits with out a breath in between ..I jumped up to answer the door....I made it to the door when I blacked out from the head rush..I woke up a second later with my buddy still knocking at the door and my bong smashed all over the entry to my apt.
Ha 2js i love pizza and would do anything for it.....as well.....good stuff my man ... Skinny what did you trip or someshit? Sorry for both your loses.. I feel like a priest in this thread ... Allowing our pieces to happily pass on...ha..
I once had a beautiful 3' tall glass bong with lovely roses etched up the sides. Even had a friend carve a base for it that we covered in rose silk. Alas, I had a New Years Eve party with lots of friends. Since this thread is about broken bongs you know where this is going. Someone tried to pass it someone missed the pass and crash bang no more pretty bong. Such a sad story.
Ahh cruzer those are the worst stories.. You know i really dont remember breaking any of my own peices....its usually someone else..
man down. I live in a high rise apartment - on the 24th floor and I put my pipe on the ledge of my balcony and I asked my buddy to grab it for me and instead of actually grabbing it, he pushed it over board. It fell from my 24th balcony allllll the way to the ground below - To make matters worse, I was fined for littering! I might put a leash on my pipes, literally.
Was cleaning a friends bowl out, it slipped out of my hands and i had it by 2 fingers, then slipped out of them and hit the wooden deck and well no more bowl...:(
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