Who Is Victory Toker?

Holy ferk, that's a hell of a scrog, amazing. How fast is root propegation on average in dwc? I have 3.5 gal pails to start and can transfer to what ever I need,mimjyet want to try best to manage root and foliage propegstion before I find myself needing a much larger space for both. Also what are your thoughts on a dirt grown mother for hydro clones ? I have 2 growing with the wife's succulent cactus, they like similar daytime conditions, so 2 can live there full time in dirt, I was thinking mother plants for the hydro perhaps. She's always on 18 - 6 lights in there. How much air were you moving to support 30 gallons of water and as always im curious how long from first week veg was that photo?
Mother plants are a great. Keeping good genes going is always beneficial. How much air? I had two 12" bubble wands in each tote. Nothing fancy just a very basic bubbler. Filling the screen varies on time. The strain, feeding, and medium factor into that. Hydro is definitely faster. I usually only had to veg 30-45 days.
Ok..what kind of music do you let your plants listen to? Maybe they like something else, but did you ever stop and think about that? No! My plants like Bob FM and hate all classic rock stations especially lynard skintard lol jk ;) nice to meet you and welcome.
Ok..what kind of music do you let your plants listen to? Maybe they like something else, but did you ever stop and think about that? No! My plants like Bob FM and hate all classic rock stations especially lynard skintard lol jk ;) nice to meet you and welcome.
Mine listen mostly to instrumental metal since thats what I play and my studio is next to the grow room though they get all kinds of musical exposure, nothing radio... I dislike radio passionately :)
Any ideas about this mutant ? Should I move it to the cactus room or keep it in my growing tent? It looks like 3 different leaves have assimilated and the plant is weird, but strong


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Looking healthy in there. :popcorn:
Thank you. Today I removed the mutant and potted it in dirt in the cactus room will be interesting to see what it becomes. I promoted a seedling that I had thought long dead to its place ( top left slot ) I feel like she earned it, though I she wil likely move to become a full time veging mother in to another tent, who knows, despite its size it has some serious roots so it may explode. I aslo fim ed the two middle row cause they are seriously outgrowing their siblings and their roots are long spaghetti already. When they even out the others will just get topped. Growing cannabis is fun as hell :)


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Solved a calcium deficiency, upped cal mag by a 1/4 tsp ( total now 1 1/4 tsp per gal ) on all plants, noticed edge rippling and had some spots forming, this also explains the early mutations. User error, first time dwc growing. Have also increased the p.h. tp 6.2 for a 24 hour period at time of photo as this is where cannabis most readily absorbs calcium. Ph is currently at 6.0, will be calibrated slowly back down to around 5.8 as i top off resovoir with p.h balanced water,I am purposely slowly dropping p.h to let the plant sit in a bit of a range for adjustment, plus they are getting thirsty.
Current nutes per gallon
1 1/4 tsp cali magic
1/2 tsp Genenral hydro micro
1/2 tsp Gh flora
1/2 tsp gh bloom
1/2 tsp hydroguard

Each pot now has 2 smaller airstones so I can let the res get really low before I top, almost dry, I alsomfeel like the bubble volume isngreater on appearance but sadly my oxygen saturation meter has crapped out so I cant verify this other than to say that the plants seem happier now.

Before, this was Friday when I fimed


Yesterday aft. Serious growth, I have also been starting some lst light folding some leaves to allow more branching, note I also do small de foliage of inner fan leafs slowly over a few days, in dirt I found a plant to not care for long if it loses a inner small part and that doing it didn't slow growth if it was done slowly, where possible ive opted for folding leaf sections at this point, I have trimmed the first nodes branches as they sit too low and don't recieve light right now through the canopy. .. thoughts ?? :)


My main note to new to dwc growers is the calcium and the p.h. for dwc using r.o. water..
Though I too am new to dwcman am interested in experienced opinions here :)

I've got more air and more light coming..
Can't argue with those results. :) ive a similar plan but in the past I've waited for some height to grow out and then slowly bend them over.. these ones are low riders gurthy not overly tal...yet :)
Oct 17, magnesium/ calcium deficiency adresed and new growth forming, still has ripples 9n leaves ? Any ideas ? I assume this is because it will take some time for the plant to move it into where it can utilize it for growth? Would love to hear some thoughts. Old leaves are edge dry, I also discovered light leaks and some rot growth, though minimal I had to de silme a few roots in small places. As I've mentioned im new to hydro.



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This is today, dont mind their droopyness ive just beaten them up a bit doing some leaf tucking and stem bending, ive also fimed the others except the runt.. that one will get moved to a pot of dirt likely at some point to be a house plant.


-New 5 gallon buckets.
-Reflective tape to keep out any possible light leaks through clay pebbles ( I feel dumb as feck not realizing that light was getting g i to res) and to keep the resovoir below 20c.. now sits happy at 19.2c pretty steady.
-2x 2" x 1.5 " airstones per bucket. pumps sit on cold floor now also.
-another 200w ( actual wattage ) full spectrum led
-co2 generator ( yeast sugar water tubing simple effective ) .
-another fan

Nutes, per 4 liters
-1/2 tsp General hydro 3 part ( micro, veg, bloom )
-1 tsp clamagic
-1/2 tsp hydro guard

Each bucket has a total ppm around 500 and is holding 8 liters of water with a 1.5-2" air gap below bucket.
These seedling have suffered setbacks due to my inexperience growing hydro, but I am pressing through as this batch is a learning batch.. any advice or tips are appreciated, as mentioned before I have not grown in for ever, and last i did it was dirt..

P.h. 6.2 ( set here cause of magnesium deficiency)
Res temp 19-20c
Room temp 24-27c (in tent )
Room temp 20-24 ( outside of tent )

Humidity 55% ( ignore sensors in photo, humidity drops when I open tent since I'm pulling fresh air from outside into the rom outside the tent, temp also drops a degree or so when i open tent )

I will menton also that my technique here is the same as ive used previously for dirt. I fim, and then while the plant is not growing vertical, I trim the lowest foliage and then bend the tops down and pull the lower branch stems up to encourage them to grow faster while the upper and middle growth is slowed, then when I achieve a level canopy I maintain the side bending with ties so that the whole thing grows even.. I prefer tucking leaves to de foliage when ever possible. Again 8m always open for questions or critique. My goal here is to become more proficient and that means hearing the advice of others with more exp ;)
Good morning Toker. BLS told me to wake the hell up and come see your setup. Looks pretty good... lots of plants for the space. Im partial to less is more these days. I finished a season in August and got 40oz from 3 plants in RDWC... well, technically, there were 4 but one only did 2oz. I SCROG. Seems like the easiest way to get the light spread evenly.

You seem like an interesting dude. It will be fun to see how you do.
Good morning Toker. BLS told me to wake the hell up and come see your setup. Looks pretty good... lots of plants for the space. Im partial to less is more these days. I finished a season in August and got 40oz from 3 plants in RDWC... well, technically, there were 4 but one only did 2oz. I SCROG. Seems like the easiest way to get the light spread evenly.

You seem like an interesting dude. It will be fun to see how you do.
Thank you good sir, I now have 5 plants for the space, the smallest of the 6 is now under "experimental" category, as such ive had a bit of root slime, im pretty sure it was due to the light intrusion around the clay pebbles combined with Mg deficiency causing the plants to ge more venerable to it. 3 of the plants are now getting 254 gph of air to the roots, 2 are sharing a pump of these 2, 1 is receiving double hydroguard ( experiment ). And the smallest one is lure experiment, it is getting pumped out of the bucket and then back in every hour ( mild aeration) and has triple hydro guard.. I expected it to die.. its been 3 days and its actually grown quite a bit..

I expect to have at least 4 decent plants, though there have been a few setbacks, the root slime and the not soaking the rockwool properly being some, the lack of properly soaking the hydrotron In h2o2 being another.. ag deficiency originally mistaken for led light bleaching... ( never ever had a cal or mg deficiency in dirt.. total unfamiliar territory) sigh.. learning curves eh?

not sure why but I've also found that 2 ml hydro guard/ liter sprayed directly onto the affected roots is deadly to the slime but harmless to the plant, they seem perky afterwards thus far, i did this to the 2 experiment ones today.. might do this with regular daily p.h, tds and root inspections .. thoughts ?

A question i do have is this.
I am noticing a little bit of settlement in the bottom of a few buckets, its reddish in colour.. resembles iron bacteria. Low in the res, silty appearance. Am I correct in assuming these are dropped or un desolved minerals ? I mix with a mixing pump so I know they are mixed in properly at time of resovoir change.

Plants are drinking, tds is stable around 500ppm, one has gone down to 430ppm
Using general hydro 3 part + cal magic.
R.o. water
P.h 6.1 ( over 6 to promote calcium/mg uptake )
Hydro guard

Res temp 19.2 c - 20.4c depending on where i have the lights, I move them a few times during the day subtlety employing tipping them and dropping them over the day.. im logging this to maybe make an arduino mega with some actuators for light movers eventually.. I like robots :)

If you have any suggestions im all ears, if you need any specific info I can provide.
I have expensive thermal imaging. ( temp )
Same for humidity
Pressure manometer
Oxygen saturation testers ( for water )
And quality p.h. tester

Basically I can test pretty much anything air or water wise. I lack a par meter unfortunately though, and my tds meter is cheap as chips.. though it is my understanding that they al, do a decent enough job.. not as critical as potential hydrogen.

I also voice type so tend to have some rambles.. lols.. thanks for reading my novel here :)
Decided to get 2 more lights also.. these ones are cheap, but they have high par and can be angle mounted. I will get them in a few weeks when I'm ready to flip to flower is the plan
Here's the girls today. Look at the front 3 and try to guess which 2 are sharing an air pump ( 122 gph air each, and ONE of the 2 has double hydro guard ) , which ONE has its own airstone and pump. ( 254gph air ) I wager you may be surprised .

I named these 2 Betty and veronica, they are the strongest of the batch

This is the one that has triple hydro guard and no air stone at all right now, just a flood drain style thing with a single pump.. I will either move it to dirt, it will die or it will somehow keep growing its pure experiment to see what happens, might make a wick system for it.. lol
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