Wild Strain From The Midwest

Oh man it's crazy! Had I not topped her I'm sure she'd have been 9' by the end
The different phenos are pretty cool.
It's like F3 is a mix of F1 and F2 lol

I'll measure when I go feed them!

I'll post some pics of my tall gurls. I topped them at about 6'. Had to top Stilts1 again at about 8'. And he did just like your gurls. The 2 top side shoots sprouted and began double headed. I think I'm looking at 8-9' gurls. And the colas that are stacking up are awesome.

Have a safe trip BW...

You gonna git High, High...LOL.


GI Joe LST! Yooooooo Joe!

And knowing is half the battle...lol.
I'll post some pics of my tall gurls. I topped them at about 6'. Had to top Stilts1 again at about 8'. And he did just like your gurls. The 2 top side shoots sprouted and began double headed. I think I'm looking at 8-9' gurls. And the colas that are stacking up are awesome.

Have a safe trip BW...

You gonna git High, High...LOL.
I started training them right at about 2' but F1 and F2 are lenky!
Had I not topped f2 her main would be well over 7' now lol and I had to bend F1 down so she didn't touch the greenhouse and rot lol
Tough thing about loving sativa in the NW
With all the difference between the 3 plants. It gives one hope that 1 of these ladies will be a winner. Over the years hemp has seeded lots of crops. It would be fitting if a high THC strain pollenated a hemp plant. I'm pretty sure hemp is more like a sativa then a indica. Tall leggy plants created better fiber for ropes. If that is the case then plant #3 with the faster budding and shorter internodes might be a winner. Watch for early trichome formation. I'm sure hemp will form trichomes as a way to catch pollen that part should not be different. How many they stack on might be a early indicator.

Any help out there from the wild hemp states? How much frost does hemp put out.
That is shitty man, why is that because they want you to spend money at dispensary?
They really don't want it out in the open. You can have more plants here than in Oregon, but have to grow inside.
Kinda cool, but I really love growing outdoors lol
And yes, taxes haha

It's a fun place to visit, but I can't wait until I get back home! Nothing like the NW
So as I was lsting these ladies I realized there was a covert operation being executed against my lower foliage.

I will respond, 10 fold.

Winter is coming and the beast have taken the first swing.
The battle shall be won at dusk!

I also fed them
8oz of Big Bloom
3 oz of Bloom
1 tsp of Big Bud
One thing for sure those girls are still real pliable.. Best make the most outta of being able to LST them girls while you can... Alot of plants kind of get brittle later in flowering.. GL and Keepem Green
One thing for sure those girls are still real pliable.. Best make the most outta of being able to LST them girls while you can... Alot of plants kind of get brittle later in flowering.. GL and Keepem Green
I agree!
I'm just waiting for this vertical growth to stop. I think F3 is done but 1 and 2 keep creeping up.

I feel like I have 10-11 weeks left on F1 and possible another 14 weeks with F2. F3 will be done in October I think.
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