Need help with drying


New Member
Currently drying greencrack and rogue thunder in a drying room/ box I built in an old gutted camper, Itsc my first time drying where I have control over humidity fans, and can add heat but no ac, so my drying area is 2 ft wide 5 ft tall and 5 ft long, I have 4 ropes runs across and an 7 inch exhaust fan running full time pulling air through the area, there is a dehumidfiyer inside the area, and a small space heater outside that both run part time to keep humidity between 50-65rh in camper, and exactly 50%rh in drying area (because dehumifyer kicks in if it raises above 50%,) my temps in drying area are 70f during day when dehumifyer is off, outdoor temps around 65f daytime, 45-50 nighttime (have to run heat and dehumifyer full time at night in order to keep humidity down,) temp raises to around 75for to max 77f during day when humidifier kicks in, but max 50% humidity, will this be too hot? Anyone have any tips they can offer, my way of drying has always been pluck all fan leave and any leave without sugar, hang whole branch, them trim sugar leaf before it goes into jars for future bho runs,camper is large area 28 ft long.
After being told by a grower friend it would slow down my drying and end with a better tasting product due to slowing down drying, I tried it and ended with some better tasting product, but that may have been due to having no control over last drying area and hot days so the temp rose to 85+during day, so leaving leaves On slowed down process and gave me a better tasting product, I'm curious now with drying conditions being optimal if I should trim down halfor my yield to see what the final dinference is, it's been hanging less then 24 hrs atm, so could still take out and trim, also, this trailer is my man cave and smoking area, should I wait until product is done drying before smoking in there? Just smoking green nothing else
If your drying area has proper ventilation smoking some weed around it shouldn't matter, I mean assuming you're not hotboxing the room. The more important thing here is that it's best to dry in the dark as light degrades THC, so you might want to consider spending as little time in there as possible, or at least reducing light levels.

The best way to slow the drying time down is to use Boveda packs and mason jars and carefully reduce the humidity gradually until they're at about 50-60% in the jar. Leaving the leaves on like that will cause the bud to pull in more chlorophyll as it dries as the big mass ( the bud ) is going to suck in moisture from the leaves. It's mostly a preference thing as far as the taste goes but if you're trying to slow the drying time there is a better way to do it with the jars.
So after 36 hrs my buds are dry, wtf temps have not rose above 70f since the first day they were at 74f , humidity has been steady 48-50%, fan does that pulls air does not move buds or branches at all, there crispy dry and small stems snap right off, took them off branches and put in jars last night but no humidity came back to them, still very dry, smoke is decent taste and not too harsh, but I know it could be so much better, have no way of getting boveda packs at the moment though they would really help, any other thing I can do? The ones which had sugar leaves On aren't quite at the snapping point yet but close, so still have not been trimmed, I'm not sure what to do, buds were nice and dense aspam 2 oz in one small Mason jars without compacting, help me
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