Grow Room Automation

This is by no means an exhaustive expose' of the subject, nor am I even the slightest bit knowledgeable therein. That aside, I do have an extreme interest in this subject because of my dwelling situation coupled with my state's current political position on Cannabis. To be more frank, I grew out a plant last year, journaled it here and did my very best to keep it secret from everyone that I do not live with. However, as this is a pretty high maintenance hobby/profession, especially to a new grower, I found myself needing to spend hours a day in my room building, constructing or just trying to dial my grow into a favorable and optimal range, all while my room mates would frequently entertain guests when the bars let out. Needless to say my absence caused many of those guests to inquire as to my whereabouts. If I were not in my room, I could be out mingling and running my own interference schemes to keep curious eyes preoccupied in other ways.

It was this feeling of unease that caused me to search for other ways of being able to manage my grow remotely, and though I have found quite a few different solutions, I still lack the knowledge and budget to get it all under my roof and for my benefit.

This blog entry is really just a platform I will use to expand my knowledge and share it with subscribers simultaneously. My plan is to one day own and control a plethora of completely automated grows that I would not need to be physically at save for maybe once every 7-10 days. That is a pretty tall order I know, especially for someone that is busting his back trying to get a multi plant grow off the ground and into a successful harvest, so I will obviously need to start somewhere, with just a single grow and implement my findings as I can afford to and hopefully I will be able to trickle funds into this idea which I anticipate will keep me out of my own personal grow save for topping and transplanting.

I happen to know that as of the date of this writing, we the human race have the technology on the market to manage light cycles with no timers (as we know them), control air movement times and fan speed, fill, mix and empty 1 or more reservoirs at will, control air quality, humidity and temps, operate and access video feeds with night vision and pretty much every other parameter I cannot recall at this time. All of which I plan to one day (sooner the better) observe and control from my smartphone.

The following YouTube video I found just last night while trying to research this topic again depicts a man in California that already has done what I want to do with his outdoor aquaponic grow that produces a vast array of edible veggies. I plan to build a system based off of these same concepts, but I will pick and choose to better suit the plants that I will be focusing on. This man also manages other grows remotely via his computer and as this video is well over a year old, I'd bet he now controls his grows via his smartphone.

For those that are really intimidated with circuitry, computers and all of this newer technology, there are definitely other less hands on options that will achieve the same end result such as Insteon for Android users and WeMo for iPhone users.

However, at first glance, it appears to me that Insteon and Wemo will both be a little to restrictive in terms of the goals that I am setting for myself, I will put upon myself to learn about a little device called Arduino which to my very limited knowledge is a small computer board that can easily be connected to thousands of other devices such as relays for controlling outlet fixtures, solenoid valves, meter valves, probes for monitoring nutrient mixtures, cameras and liquid flow controllers.

The Arduino can be accessed and controlled via Bluetooth, Ethernet and also there are smartphone apps for it. The Arduino is a similar in nature to the Linux operating systems in that most of the commands need to be typed in command line fashion, there is however a few different Arduino forums that I can utilize to learn that programming language and use it to make the Arduino do what I want it to do.

What I would like to accomplish is to be able to press a button on my smartphone which energizes a valve that empties my nutrient reservoir, another that fills it back up to a desired level with Reverse Osmosis water that will be kept on hand in another storage tank, activate an air stone to bubble for a while, another to check Dissolved O2 levels, EC/PPM, water temp and pH, another to begin meting nutrients in to the desired levels, monitor it some more and make the very fine adjustments as needed in accordance with my feed plan for that given plant(s). All of this while also managing light schedules, air movement schedules, room temp, CO2 levels, RH and odor control, everything that we all do during an average grow cycle. Basically, every single device or apparatus that we growers implement that somehow utilizes an electric current to function can be tied into the Arduino board and controlled via smartphone.

Aside from all the legalities associated with growing Cannabis, I would like to one day go on a vacation perhaps to a foreign country, and entrusting a friend to watch over a grow is one thing, entrusting multiple friends to be able to pick up exactly where I left off with multiple grows at multiple locations is a whole new plateau of trust one would need to get to bed at night. However, if my vaycay destination has internet access, I can still manage my grow completely and only need to entrust others to do the actual physical stuff such as pruning, topping and transplanting. But then again, if my budget were to open up, robotic arms could also be attached and controlled making the entire grow 100% hands free and every day would then become a sick day!

So feel free to subscribe if you wish and post anything at all related to this subject that you feel would be beneficial to myself or others that may just be passing by or doing his/her own research. I will continually update this blog as I feel need, or if I find something or accomplish something that better serves this goal of mine.


Very good point C! I'm just spit balling now, but when I get my rooms where I want them to be, I will like drag out my loud 45 liter pump that sounds like a gas station coin operated compressor pump, so it would definitely need to be permanently mounted into an enclosure of some form, might as well put a HEPA filter on it as well. Another thing I want to look into is finding a container that resembles a cement mixer, with the screwlike paddles inside, obviously scaled down to about a gallon or less. then a gentle rotation should keep nutes balanced in their containers and a man to shake them before each extraction would not be needed. Any other ideas? Remember, this is not purely electronic, I still have to work with mechanical when possible, just need to control it electronically so I can limit the time I'd be "required" to be there.
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I am scouring the web for something that functions exactly like a cement mixer, only scaled way down to the size of maybe a gallon jug, but I keep hitting brick walls. Now I'm thinking to just use a screw shaft on a motor (like handheld mixer) that reaches down into a given bottle and just fire the motor to spin or couple minutes prior to calling for hat respective nutrient to be fed into the system. This way it can be thoroughly agitated when he peristaltic pump extracting that nutrient. Also, extraction might be best if done from the bottom of the jug.
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Thanks for jumping in AG. I realize it's a bit wordy, perhaps when I'm well into using the Arduino I will backtrack and condense the posts so it doesn't have to be an arduous journey for someone out there researching the topic as I've been all over the place for a couple months trying to get a better grasp of these concepts. If you have any questions or knowledge to share, also ideas and possible solutions as well, by all means share. I'd like to think I know exactly what I would need to happen for it to be "automated", but let's face it, I don't yet know.
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Otherwise, do you think an air stone would keep nutes well mixed?
would/could the air stone,be a source of bad bacteria,if this method is applied?? my air pumps draw the room air.
instead of an airstone stone,how about a vibrator.---not that kind,but a hand held massager with a vibration massage setting??to agitate the nutrients in the bottles,from outside under the bottom??
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c526;bt10479 said:
instead of an airstone stone,how about a vibrator.---not that kind,but a hand held massager with a vibration massage setting??to agitate the nutrients in the bottles,from outside under the bottom??

I've found devices on the web that do that, though my concern was that my nutes have elements in them with different weights per element which IMO would lead to separation of the heavier from the lighter elements/fluids. I could very well be wrong about this and I definitely will investigate to find out what I can. If in your travels, you stumble upon any info that can remedy this holdup, please share it with us.
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Adding another possibility to the list
Arduino pH/ORP/DO/Calcium/Nitrate Shield

My research to this point suggests that setting up automation for almost every other part of a grow room should be relatively easy and inexpensive save for monitoring and adjusting EC and pH. This appears to involve some highly complex coding and involve still pricey EC and PH probes. I am trying to find the most inexpensive, yet reliable solution as I will likely be running with multiple reservoirs in various stages of growth and would need independent control of each. Heck, it might be cheapest to get a $150 Nutradip and mount a nanny cam in front of it, then just find a code for automation of a servo/motor to add nutes myself (over the web of course). The problem I think I will run into and what would over complicate the coding the most is that being a proponent of Capn Style (top feed in rock wool), I would almost always want to correct the pH with either GH Flora Blend (acid) or GH Armor Si (silica/alkaline) "except" in cases involving over corrections which would swing PPM out of desired ranges. In the Arduino Integrated Developer Interface (IDE)(programming platform) there are command words that would tell a probe to monitor a set of variables. If the reading happen to wander outside of those parameters, the Arduino would tell a device to perform a function that would bring the variable back within the parameter, like a thermostat and heater or fan. But to say in coded language if the PH swings outside of desired range, begin meting in small doses of either Flora Blend to bring pH down, or Armor Si to bring pH up. If this bring PPM out of range, or near that point, then correct the pH with pH UP or DOWN. On top of that, there is also the option to dump the res and rebuild a new fresh set of nutes. Far too much programming would be involved.

For the record, in most instances I will do my best to locate codes that have already been written and successfully used by others. If possible, I will tailor my grow to suit the code unless this would be too far out of my comfort range, then I would need to edit the code to better suit my situation. Being brand new to micro controllers and micro processors, I only wish to learn what the prewritten codes are communicating to my Arduino, when and why, but actual code designing and writing I feel will be too difficult for me for at least 2 years till I get a better grasp.
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Give this thread a good reading though, or two :) Billie's Hydroponic Controller - Arduino Forum

Regarding keeping the nutes mixed in the bottles, I can't find anything online that would work cheaply. It probably wouldn't be terribly difficult to hook up a small 300rpm hobby 12V DC motor with a whisk attached to the shaft and have that inside the jug. Make sure whatever metal you have in contact with the product is stainless steel also. When we make these for fertilizer tanks we use a 1/3HP 56c frame motor with a 6ft stainless shaft and two impellers on the end that. I would also lean towards using a large container of product, say one of the 6 gal containers. You probably want to put a foot valve/filter on the supply side of the hose and have it just above the bottom of the container.

Because of the cost of valves and using gravity fed systems it would probably be easier to use small aquarium pumps to transfer water around the system.

If you want to monitor the pH and EC in real time for each reservoir, this is going to get fairly expensive pretty quick. The most cost effective solution is going to be using some kind of Arduino with an EC/pH addon shield and the respective probes. Possibly one for each reservoir talking back to a the master controller. The 3 in one reader Capn recommends is a good hobby tool but as soon as you want to output that signal instead of simply displaying it, the cost goes up. The pH transmitter/probe combo we use at work costs us about $450, and that's just the probe and meter/transmitter before we mark it up.
That's where the Arduino comes in as a cheap solution.

Currently the controller I have for my rooms is controlling two flower light timers, one veg light, 4 irrigation pumps and the fan for the exhaust through the lights. The circulation fans and carbon scrubber run 24/7. I'm waiting on a CO2/Temp/RH monitor to get here then I'll add some more goodies to the list.
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Hey VW, thanks so much for that link!!! I am a recent member of that forum, and though I also watched that vid the other day, I must've missed a link back to the forum post and it would have likely been months of reading/watching material that is not too applicable to my/our situation, so once again thank you, big time!!! I have just began reading page 3/10 and will slowly digest what I read, making sure not to glaze over anything therein. Billiebricks not only shared his code with included algorithms, but equally important is also a hyperlinked listing of all the hardware he purchased for his design. As a +1, he is also someone on a fatally tight budget such as myself which makes my end goal that much more achievable. Another poster to that thread also stated their want to not use the digital display and opt for a web based control, so I hope to see a little more of that in the pages I have yet to read as that is more along the lines of my desired hydroponic controller, but none the less, the wisdom already shared in this thread will undoubtedly greatly expedite my learning curve.

I received my Uno r3 in the mail yesterday and already got started manipulating a simple basic sketch to flash the LED at a few different intervals, such as on for 1, off for 2, on for 3 off for 4 etc. I hope to be able to purchase more basic hardware to extend my learning time, and also will look to picking up a Mega board in the near future.

Once again, thanks a ton for sharing the link to that thread. Anyone subbed or passing through will do well to digest all materials covered in the link in the above thread as it covers maybe 95% of what I'm looking to accomplish.
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Hey Skybound, For stirring, you need a computer fan, a transformer to power the fan, a magnet from an old hard drive, and a few other materials you probably have laying around given you DIY bent. Google "diy magnetic stirrer". I'm working down this same path, so I've done a lot of the same research you have. No ardurino's ordered yet though. I'm leaning more towards some sort of PLC solution, but I'm still well into design/planning. I have no funds for automation at this point, so for now I just plan and study and plan and study :2:
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What's up Hiker, thanks for stopping by. I YouTubed the diy magnetic stirrer and it definitely looks cool and I will look into getting up the parts when I get to that phase of automation. I will also do some reading on PLC to see if that would be manageable and affordable for me, but I gotta tell ya, this Arduino route looks like it'll be hard to beat out in usability, affordability, reliability, communicability, vast support and that it's freeware based. At any rate, I hope to land with something that empowers me to expand my productivity.
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Since my last posting, I have done quite some extensive research on this topic, and though I haven't delved too deeply into the coding aspect, I am exhaustively researching the hardware aspect. I am still very confident that an Arduino can completely control every electrical aspect of my grow, and also I am confident I will be able to automate the Capn's nutrient recipe creation, and exchange each and every single reservoir I will use through the use of gravity, solenoids and peristaltic pumps to mete in nutrients to the water, and of course monitor and adjust, all done from my Android smartphone.

I did however hit a small road block. My studies have shown that most ballasts in use today create an Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), and since I have the cheapest of the cheapos, I expect my EMI rating to be higher than yours. Also, the common practice to manage heavy loads on an alternating current AC circuit is to use relays that are controlled by a small direct current DC microcontroller (MC) such as my Arduino. However, when doing so, it is known that mixing small DC circuits with large AC circuits makes the MC behave screwy due to the EMI problems. To combat this, some relays have what is called an Opto Isolation function that completely separates the AC part from the DC part and allows the DC to turn the AC on or off by use of an LED and a light sensor. So in short, to turn the AC circuit on an LED on the relay illuminates, the light sensor detects the lit LED and functions the other side of the relay to close the circuit and allow current to flow. This I believe will also translate to a more complicated code to operate all that, not to mention the added cost of hardware involved, and more things that can go wrong.

So my new train of thought is to use a servo motor to simply turn a light switch on or off. So now I intend to use 1 rated light switch per outlet to send power or take it away from my ballasts and subsequent lights. I have posed this same type of question in the Arduino forum and am awaiting a reply, but in terms of simplicity, cost and mitigation of possible hings to go wrong, I feel this would be the safest route.

To any subscriber that has a good working knowledge of AC circuitry, is it safe to allow say a 20 amp light switch handle the load of a 20amp receptical? Of course I would not try to stretch that amerage rating to the max and put as many HIDs on a single circuit as can be fit, but I just want a better understanding of the hardware for this application.
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I've been wanting to delve into this world for quite a while. From what I've researched I'd start with a pi, let the GPIO pins control a tiny led that you can use to test with. The pi isnt as control capable as the arduino board, but it can be a full blow server and you can have automated historical data.. man so much stuff.
I first looked into this to keep humidity in the 90's for my shrooms. Monitoring is easily accomplished with the PI, however control isn't. I can handle the server side of things (Red Hat Certified Engineer) and i can make some electronic control circuits(Degree is in Electronic Engineering). I'm just so limited on funds right now that all I have is a pi in the automation department.

When I get some fundage I'm so on board with this.
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Hi Skybound. I've been doing a lot of work since I posted too. I'm no longer considering a PLC at all. Arduino does seem to be the easiest path.

You can get optocoupler isolated relay control boards for Arduino. I think most of them use an optocoupler. If you want to control large HPS lights, you need a pretty beefy relay as that initial spike is tough on the mechanical pieces in the relays. I've seen those little relay boards that say they handle 15 or 20A, but I am skeptical. You can still use one of the relay boards, then use one of those relays to control a larger relay for the lights.


The Pi can do control, but as you said, not as well. Why not let your Pi work in conjunction with an Arduino?

My plan is use Arduinos for control and sensing, but have it all managed by a Pi. The Pi will control all the UI stuff, data logging, etc. The Arduinos will serve as IO devices basically. There are still many many details, but I suspect I will end up with one arduino for the 'sensing' side, and another for the 'control' side. I'm going to start with sensing though, so control is way way down the road. The lights aren't even the first thing I will control. I want to replace my timer based Ebb&Gro controller with something more sophisticated. Right now I am limited to 15 minute resolution for fill or drain cycles. I want to control by the minute, and I'm actually planning to use sensors to tell when the system is full then have it start the drain cycle. The other things I plan to control are the AC, CO2, dehumidifier, etc. I'll also have to use a relay board, but the AC is not as bad as the HPS.

I'll start a thread once I get mine going. I haven't started buying any hardware yet. The garden is almost built out though, so I can start putting some $$ into this project soon.
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I'm loving the fact that I'm not the only one with this itch that doesn't quit! Last night I was doing some research about the Beaglebone Black and have to say I am greatly impressed. As a stand alone device, it has better processing and clock speeds than the Pi, is also a server and I think about 60 GPIO pins which makes it more expandable than the Arduino Mega, not to mention clones are dirt cheap. However, the programing language (Node.js) is built off C+ and does appear to be way more intensive than building sketches, at least from the standpoint of used language and syntax. I like the simple command line view in the BBB IDE, but to have to learn the C+ language just to get it to do what I want it to do has brought me back to the Arduino. I really wish Arduino would have made a board as powerful as the BBB, but still as easy to write sketches for as Arduino.

However, I think I'm going to try using some clones. On fleabay, I've found a sainsmart ethernet shield with built in Micro SD Card reader for $13 and a sainsmart sensor shield for $7. This hopefully will expand my current ability to network and have a rather large sensor interface capability.

I am also warming up to the Raspberry Pi. Some added research is needed to determine if the language is as simple as Arduino, or as complex as BBB. If the later, I would likely just bite the bullet and get into BBB b/c it appears to be way more useful for what we are trying to do. However, if the Pi's language is simple like Arduinos, than there already is a pairing shield called Arduberry that can merge the Ad to the Pi for better workability from both.

Regarding Octocouplers, I've had communications with a poster on the Arduino forums stating that they can handle the load, and themselves isolating the microcircuits from the massive AC load do function as stated which was reassuring, I'm still on the fence about using the Opto vs driving a servo motor to flip a light switch on/off. The servo route looks pretty simple and would isolate the micros from EMI, plus there is no external command modules that can be shorted and cause those relays to open and kill the lights for whatever reason.

Unfortunately for me, for the rest of the year, my funds will be scarce with the holidays, plus I have 2 pretty decent sized grow rooms to build and finish equipping so most of my scratch is already earmarked for that which should give me adequate time to get better acquainted with the language used to write sketches.
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The pi can use about any language you want but the most widely used is python which is an easy language to learn even if you don't have any programming experience
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I shifted my purchase and got a Mega 2650 clone and an ethernet shield clone paired for about $30. I am now primarily focused on building some EC and pH circuits. From what I can tell so far, this will be the toughest shell to crack as there is only a few manufacturers of these types of shield or stamp. Couple this with the fact that each of these shields/stamps I've found will only monitor just a single probe, so for the price of an $80 handheld, it looks like I can build the same meter in a wall mount form. This is not what I'm after, but at least I can see the starting point for this facet of this project. I just have to find the cheap workaround.

In my recent studies, I found this small nugget that racked my brain for an hour trying to uncover;

Q: What is a cell constant K and why are there probes with different values of K?

A: The cell constant, K, is equal to the distance in cm between the probe's electrodes divided by the surface area of the electrodes in cm2. For solutions with low conductivities the electrodes can be placed closer together or made larger so that the cell constant is less than one. This has the effect of raising the conductance to produce a value more easily interpreted by the meter. The reverse also applies, in high conductivity solutions, the electrodes are placed farther apart or made smaller to reduce the conductance of the sample. By using the appropriate probe, K=0.1 for low conductivity solutions, K=1 for normal solutions and K=10 for high conductivity solutions, accurate measurements across the full range of conductivity values can be made.

The Source for the above info. The info relates to the spacing of the electrodes used in our probes. K0.1 are probes made to see EC & PPM in the ranges we growers want to look at. There is also probes for K1.0 (Brackish water 35,000 PPM), and K10 for salt water @ 100,000 PPM or higher. I needed to learn that in the event I try to build my own probe and have a hope that it would be semi-accurate.
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Which clone did you get? I should be able to get one next payday (spent most of this one on grow stuff). I already have an old pi setting around. Somewhere on one of my pc's I still have code from the last time I dug around in this. Although it was for a hygrometer/thermometer sensor.
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