Why They Want Dispensaries, Collectives and Cooperatives to be Not-For-Profit

I've been pondering why on earth cities, counties and the state want to push cannabusinesses into the nonprofit zone, as it just doesn't seem to make rational sense to me. Nonprofits don't generally pay taxes--and if they do it's usually only local/state sales tax, depending on the nonprofit entity's non-profit status.

The question is easily answered with "personal agendas."

I posit that it is unconstitutional to regulate so extensively the business of dispensing medical marijuana that it cannot operate in our capitalist society in a capitalistic manner, along with disallowing the formation of mmj collectives, cooperatives and dispensaries in its entirety by local (city/county) governments.

Take for instance what is happening down in Los Angeles--they want to shut down 930 dispensaries and leave 70 in place. What does this amount to? The "legal" formation of a cartel.

Cartel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I put in quotes, "legal," because this kind of thing is a felony according to the Sherman Antitrust Act, that forbids such action by any private or government body (though the Parker Immunity Doctrine will protect the State from any city/county misconduct).

Parker immunity doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No wonder they don't want cannabusinesses to see the light of capitalist day--by all rights given us by the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights, as soon as cannabusiness is allowed to become private, our rights as free individuals will come into play and we will be afforded FEDERAL protections that not-for-profit entities do not have.

Local government officials are treading on a very fine line with the heavy-handed regulations they're coming up with against the mmj community. Most of it is unconstitutional. We've got to educate ourselves on history and government like we never did in school in order to see and protect ourselves from the atrocities that the few in power who oppose our views persecute us and get away with.

Read up on Capitalism--it is the foundation that made this country great, and is the framework that any citizen, no matter his/her beliefs or lifestyle, is entitled to live by. Government cannot exclude the citizen from the society--for society IS its citizens, every one.

Capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm with Ayn Rand with my belief in laissez-faire capitalism. Let trade be free and establish it's own parameters of regulation within itself as natural conditions warrant certain controls to make it fair and equitable for everyone (such as the Sherman Antitrus Act). Regulating from inception will birth illegal monopolies that will fail miserably and create a whole new class of felons.

Just my thoughts...for now.


Laissez-faire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Good post Irish... You come up with some of the best thoughts out their on this board... Way to do some research...:goodjob:
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