How to get greater participation in your grow journal

Fairly frequently, people ask about getting more participation in their journals as it can be slow going when you first start journaling. I remember being frustrated by this, too, and consequently I almost never journaled again.

I thought these ideas might be helpful to others as well, so I'm re-posting it here as well:

  • Post frequently, to keep it at the top of the "current threads" list. It might help to post updates during "prime time" hours, so to speak.
  • Post pictures often, close-ups rock. Everyone's journal gets more popular in flower... Everyone loves pics of cannabis flowers!
  • Be out and about, participate in other journals and comment, believe me many will want to know who the nice guy is that complimenting their efforts or offering encouragement. Even better give people reputation points for their accomplishments or efforts. And they will be guided to check out your journal if you have slink in your signature.
  • Have an obvious, bold link to your journal in your signature
  • When you can, participate in contests (nug of the month, plant of the month,etc)
  • Find a cool, original pic for your avatar
  • Ask someone knowledgeable and popular to check out your journal when you have a question or need going on there that they may be able to help with. I get asked to check out people's journals this way sometimes, and people like to help. It's always good to have good growers and advice in your journal - it will attract others as well.
  • Do you feel like you have a talent or skill that others could benefit from as it relates to growing? Post it in your journal - it will come up in people's searches and bring them by your journal. For example, I think I'm going to put a copy of this reply post and topic in my journal in case it helps someone else, too.
  • Perhaps most importantly, be patient and write your journal to help yourself next time. It will help you down the road if you have good notes and pics in your journal, so value yourself as the most important audience member. It takes time for people to get to know you and find you. Remember the hidden audience too - a lot more people follow then participate, sometimes they come out of the woodwork only once they feel they have something to say. It will come!

On that note, I'd love to hear any other thoughts/ideas on boosting journal participation if someone wants to add to these thoughts/ideas. Did I miss some things?



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