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Reactions: Cola Monster
I'm good man, how are you? Looks like you're rollin! Plants are going crazy!

Im hangin in there Braddah happy to hear you are good. Hoping I’ll have plenty smoke after this so I can run some photo strains. The wembley looked killer!! How’s the smoke? I still got my pack of it to pop
Im hangin in there Braddah happy to hear you are good. Hoping I’ll have plenty smoke after this so I can run some photo strains. The wembley looked killer!! How’s the smoke? I still got my pack of it to pop
Funny I had Musubi and macaroni salad for dinner. LOVE that stuff. Spam rocks. Nice, ive never run an auto. I think i may run one called Think Big. Not sure yet.

Wembley is a fun strain. The plant in dirt did well. Buds are super tight. The 4 in hydro were hit and miss. Theres a little one in the front that I should have culled, it may do an ounce. Buds are tiny but very high quality. Of the three others there are 2 that made big plants with nice spear colas. Then there's one that has grown fast since it started. There are buds that are 3 feet long. 60 inch branches. It just stretched and stretched. The buds are huge, but its like every nug has gone off and done its own thing. Just lumpy monstrosity buds. Heres a pic of one of the tops.
Its just a mutant freak.

The smoke is ultra smooth. I cough a lot so im stoked. The taste is fruity, but musky like a melon. The smell is like a super sour skunk... like a latex balloon. This is all before its been dried properly and cured.
That thing is ridiculous Braddah! One day if I ever attempt hydro I’ll have to pick your brain. You certainly have a formula that works! I had spam for breakfast from Macdonalds lol I think only in Hawaii they serve a spam breakfast with eggs and rice.
That thing is ridiculous Braddah! One day if I ever attempt hydro I’ll have to pick your brain. You certainly have a formula that works! I had spam for breakfast from Macdonalds lol I think only in Hawaii they serve a spam breakfast with eggs and rice.
Thanks man. You let me know and we'll have to work that out. Hydro is where its at for big plants.

They are starting to sell poke in grocery stores here, but its a little like eating oysters in Kansas if you know what I mean. There was a little store in Kapaa that got me started on poke when I was in high school. Now there are poke restaurants here... but its not at all the same.

Its kind of funny how McDonald's has local food in the various stores around the world. Germany and Austria has sausages and beer, Rome has something that looks like a pizza roll. Gotta please the masses

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