san diego

  1. A

    Outdoor Grow, San Diego - HeadBand

    Hello all, I am new to this site so forgive me if this has been answered yet.. I am currently growing outdoors in smart pots with coco using roots organic and a few other nutes. I have Headband (707) / Alien / GodsGift and some weird sativa shwagg... All of my plants grow great and are...
  2. M

    Howdy From SoCal Daygo!

    HIGH everyone from Sunny SoCal!!:peace:I'm a medicinal user and it's GREAT to find other fellow 420'rs!! I found this site while trying to find something on how to use an Aerogarden to grow some personal. It's actually kinda cool. . . this gal digs it... LOL:yummy: Anyone else who's growing...
  3. S

    ASA Advocates Take Possession of Marijuana Plants from San Diego County Sheriff

    October 21st, 2010 REPOSTED FROM ASA San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and her 'fierce fight' against medical marijuana patients suffered another devastating defeat this week. Advocates from the local chapter of Americans for Safe Access (SDASA), the nation's largest advocacy group...
  4. L

    Sexy Cali playmates here!

    High everyone! My best friend and I are starting our own dispensary called Eye Candy! We are really trying to make a change in everyones thinking process and very excited since we grow our own medicine! I posted some pictures of our grow room. We appreciate everyones support and so far...
  5. D

    Historic Jackson verdict attorney Lance Rogers @ San Diego ASA

    San Diego Americans for Safe Access' photographer Mr. Bill West has released one of the videos that were taken on 12/08/09 at the bi-monthly San Diego ASA meeting with Jovan Jackson' expert defense attorney Lance Rogers of Turner Law Group, APC located in San Diego Ca. Other videos including...
  6. D

    Re-Elect Dumanis for San Diego County District Attorney in 2010?

    No way Jose, not again! San Diego County can not endure another term with the "rogue" and “unstable” County District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis. Currently running unopposed in the 2010 election for the position of San Diego County District Attorney, the incumbent DA has so far provided the county...
  7. D

    Jackson verdict proves sells "For-Profit" is legal in California

    The People vs. Jackson verdict proves that due to the "medical marijuana affirmative defense", a jury cannot convict anyone of "selling for profit" because selling for profit is not strictly forbidden in the referenced law that allows for an affirmative defense. The law requires "proof beyond...
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