
  1. coralman

    Do you give Sativas shorter veg time?

    Quick question - do you give sativas shorter veg because of the longer flower time and bigger stretch? only grown indica dominant strains so far indoors with around 6 weeks veg from germination (9plants in 5x5 tent) and want to start some Amnesia haze seeds ready to move into flower room but...
  2. M

    Another First Timer Green Crack Fem LED Grow

    What strain is it? CKS Green Crack Fem # of Plants- 1 (we'll call this first grow a science experiment) ;-) Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Mainly Indica Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg If in Veg... For how long? Day 14 since popping from soil Indoor or outdoor? Indoor Environment - Grow Tent...
  3. JGibs420

    Upgrading vertical CFL cab - 14ft³ melamine veg/flower

    Thank you for reading my post and helping out in any way you possibly can. I've got a cabinet that I've been using to veg and flower my plants in for my first grow, however on the next grow I would like to be able to veg and flower simultaneously for a constant production for myself and wife...
  4. nobodyhere

    Question on light bleed from veg area to flower tent - Need input please

    I might be overthinking this. I want to set up a simple small veg area in the walk in closet where my tent is. It will consist of a 2x2 hydro tub with a few plants/clones sitting under one or two 65w CFLs. I have a tent in the closet. Currently running 18/6 with autos so this is not an...
  5. P

    Special Queen #1 ScrOG question

    So I have 1 plant that is 5 weeks veg today and I installed a scrog. When I ordered the seeds from Royal Queen Seeds, they said this strain roughly takes 8 weeks to harvest. I only have the main stalk pokin through the net right now. The net is 13" about the soil. I was wondering do I need to...
  6. J

    1st Time Back New Grow Environment

    It's been sometime since I've started a grow journal but I figure this is as good a time as any to get back into it. I'm also doing this to keep up with the flowering process I go through times where I am not really sure where I am in flower which I think is hurting me on getting more mature...
  7. BedroomFarmer

    Dewey Aeroponics - RADDWC

    DEWEY COMMUNITY GROW! PLEASE POST PICS OF YOUR DEWEY SETUP AND RESULTS! What strain is it? GSC Xtrm Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Indica dom hybrid Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg If in Veg... For how long? 1 day If in Flower stage... For how long? Indoor or outdoor? Indoor Soil or Hydro...
  8. S

    Attic Grow UK, White Widow Auto Fem

    What strain is it? - White Widow Autoflower from Nirvana Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? - Hybrid Is it in Veg or Flower stage? - Currently in Veg If in Veg... For how long? - Planted yesterday Indoor or outdoor? - Indoor Soil or Hydro? - Soil (currently with perlite mix) Size of...
  9. O

    My First Grow Journal Rosetta Stone Chronic & White Widow & OG & Bubblegum Original

    Hi guys, im new to growing, this is my third grow, i started on march just with seeds, 3 fem Rosetta Stone, 3 fem Chronic and 5 seed from my last grow. I growed a og+ White widow homemade cross, and it became hermafrodite and polinized all my plants. So i got lots of seeds and choose the ones...
  10. OH58Dguy

    LED Side By Side Perpetual Grow, DWC

    So here we go. This has been a long time coming but things are finally setup and running. Other than few minor setbacks we are off to a good start. I am considering this to be the official beginning of a 2 tent "rotating ongoing grow for the next year. Over this time period I hope to run through...
  11. Annabanana

    Plants looking poorly - Any suggestions?

    These are 2 of my 12 plants currently in 6th week of veg. I'm wanting to flip them but am waiting for a delivery of light hanging thingys. They were all happy in my veg tent but my back studio was broken into so I had to move them up into my flower tent before I had it all ready. I hurriedly...
  12. Sphnx

    How To Take Clones

    Step by step guide to taking clones. 1. Fill up a bucket with fresh water. Put a few drops of veg nutrients, I also use a few drops of liquid karma and roots excellerator (50-75 ppm) and pH balance to 5.6. 2. Put Rockwool cubes in. If possible, throw and air stone in there to keep...
  13. CollegeKush

    Nutes for young vegging plants?

    Hey everyone! Im a newy on here and I love the info and feedback everyone shares. Im just wondering if anyone would have any info on good nutes for baby plants. I have three sour jack sativas, one Afghani #1, and two Ak's ( sour jacks are 3 weeks into veg and the rest are just a week into veg)...
  14. HigherTheHigh

    Royal Cheese - Fast flowering - Anyone grew this strain?

    hello everyone! iv just bought 10 royal cheese (royal queen seeds) im wondering if anyone has grew this strain before? how long did you veg for? how long did you flower for inc flushing? what was your yield like per plant? my plan is to put 10 in 15 litre pots (autopots/undecided) in a 4x8...
  15. M

    Bubba Kush Auto Small Indoor Grow, First Timer

    First time grower here, so I'm on a journey not everything's right but it's working. Here's my set up: Tent 60 x 60 x 140. Extraction: 4" inline fan drawing through carbon filter. Air movement 2 6" oscilating fans. Lighting. For Veg. 300 watt Blue spec CFL. For Flower: 400w Dual...
  16. HigherTheHigh

    Need help! When should I top or how many nodes? For scrog

    hello everyone! im nearly in week 3 of veg for my girls, some of them are starting there 4th & 5th node now. currently under a 300w cfl, but will be going under a 600w hps in 1 weeks time. iv heard to top the first time then top again 1-2 weeks after to super crop for scrogging. the strain...
  17. Kriaze

    A Calamitous Cascade Of Catastrophes

    As the title states this will be a grow that should have a fair few problems, mainly because most of my grows do. This one in particular will be revolving around the Killer Skunk clones that I have in the veg tent. A couple of them will be organic and the rest will be chemically fed using...
  18. beez0404

    2' x 2' x 48" tent with 600 watt LED......Please help me set it up right.

    Good Day everyone. My wife has purchased my 2019 Christmas present early and presented me with a Viparspectra 600 watt LED light panel to go into my 2 foot x 2 foot x 4 foot tall grow tent. I have two young plants (1 bag seed) and (1 autoflower) that are about 2 weeks above ground...
  19. B

    First Grower Looking For Validation!

    First Grow CKS White Widow Fem 600HPS, soil, PH 6.8, 86F, Distilled water MG Orchid for Veg MG Bloom Burst now Pics are wk 4 of Flowering Lollipopped this week, How long before I should start checking trichomes? When should I stop nutes and flush? There is some curling, I think I let...
  20. PhobosAnomaly

    Quake Widows, White Widow Autofem x2

    Strain < White Widow Autofem - 420 > Breeder Plant type Feminized Autoflower Sativa or Indica 40% - 60% Indica dominant THC Level High at 18% CBD (Medical) Medium Height Compact (50/60 cm - 20"/24") Yield Low (±120 gr/m² - ±4 oz/3ft²) Flowering period Average (56 days) Climate Average / land...
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