10 days till end of flowering! Need help


New Member
So this is my first real grow and was wondering on the best way to end my cycle. I'm currently flushing my plants with molasses and water. I've heard about 24/48 hours of complete darkness to increase resin and bud size as well at cutting the stem of each plant a quarter bit to trick the plant into thinking it's days are limited with darkness and thinking it's dying with the cut into the stem. Any help would be great. I appreciate it. Some photos will be attached below
I did the darkness thing on 1 grow and not on 1 didn't notice the difference, now that's not to say it dosent work, I just didn't notice a difference. And here on out I won't be doing it just so I'll have smokable bud 2 days faster :) never heard of cutting the stem, that dosent make sense at all to me. You have to take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt. Do it yourself to see if it really works. My advice is to just keep what your doing then harvest in 10 days.
I haven't done the darkness thing but I tried the molasses thing and I didn't notice a difference.

How your buds are going to grow bigger in darkness is a mystery to me. Without light a plant starts to die, not grow.

And cutting the stems? Oy vey, I think it might be time for me to get off of this forum... ;)

Just keep your plant as happy and healthy as you can until you're ready to harvest it and skip the voodoo, that's my advice...
I use molasses throughout my grow, which is in homemade soil...but only every few weeks...adding lots towards the end won't result in miracles(maybe raise brix readings)...Blackstrap molasses is high in calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium. It also contains sulfur and a host of micronutrients...although unsulphered blackstrap is the preferred product... Using molasses as fertilizer provides plants with a quick source of energy and encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

...Oh!...Welcome to ...:420:
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