64 year old medical marijuana newbie


420 Member
Hi everyone,
I'm new to medical marijuana. I started out with hemp-based CBD oils but now my state has legalized some forms of marijuana for medical so I've switched to vaping what I get at a dispensary. My situation is kinda unusual. My thyroid was destroyed by radiation (done on purpose on Dr's instructions). It no longer functions at all. (during a recent ultrasound on my thyroid the technician had a hard time finding the gland it had atrophied so badly) I take Synthroid 137 mcg, and have been taking it for more years than I like to think about.
My question is this: I was instructed to take Synthroid on an empty stomach and not to eat anything or drink anything but water for at least an hour after taking it, so do I need to be concerned that vaping or smoking medical marijuana too soon before, or after, taking the Synthroid will affect the amount of Synthroid that makes it into my system? I wake up in considerable pain and would like to know if I need to wait that hour before vaping.
Thank you,
P.S. I apologize if this has been asked before, I'm new here.
Hi and welcome. I will hook you up with one special lady @SweetSue she would know the answer. All I can say is on most parts, Cannabis seems to increase the affect of any other medicine you take. I also have her links in my signature, go a head and read :cheer:until she gets here.
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