8 Days To Drug Test..

De Goon

New Member
Yea so i have to go [get tested] 8 days from now. Last time i smoked was March 29.. And we are now the 30th of march.. My drug test is scheduled for April 7th and its a urine test were he just sticks some little thing in my piss and it creates lines to show wheter im negative or positive.. Do i have any chance of passing? or should i pack my bags for jail??
there are definetly ways around passing those dip stick type urine tests. I have passed a dip stick test like that by eating an enzymatic tablet for cleaning contacts. You could go to your local CVS and buy both a dip stick drug test and the enzymatic tablets and test yourself before then.

I did some testing by myself like this to see if it would really work and it did. I even smoked after taking the enzymatic tablet and still passed. It cleans you out for a day or 2 and then you will piss dirty again..
LOL i have no source of income at the moment.. but i hear that weed gets stored in your fat cells.. and im about 5'10 125ibs, i have probably 0 body fat lol.. i know that i dont have alot at least.. if i try to sweat for the next few days would i have a possibility???
yeah I would drink water, and excercise. My boyfriend could get it out of his system in about a week....but he was taking niacin and goldenseal....
LOL i have no source of income at the moment.. but i hear that weed gets stored in your fat cells.. and im about 5'10 125ibs, i have probably 0 body fat lol.. i know that i dont have alot at least.. if i try to sweat for the next few days would i have a possibility???

If subbing with synthetic urine or someone elses clean urine isn't an oprion.
Exercise like crazy for the next 3 days, eat a high fiber diet with metamucil, drink just enough liquids to stay hydrated. Then stop exercising 3 days before UA. DRink about 40 ounces of gatorade the morning of the UA,pee a few times and then use your midstream urine for the UA. This will increase your chance of sucess a lot.
The active ingredient THC (delta-9-tetrahydracannibinol) is what they are testing for. In order to clean oneself out, one must understand how THC is metabolized in the body. THC is alcohol and fat soluble, meaning in order to use it/ metabolize out of your body it must be used as bound energy to a fat cell or alcohol. For THC to be in your body continously with alcohol is just sad, so I will not address this aspect. I know not if alcohol drinking can accelerate the metabolization itself, though I highly recommend you do not try it. Especially for a drug test.

Now onto the fat cells. Yes exercising is a great way to get blood flow in your body and speed up the metabolic processes in order to clean out the body's fat cells. Sweating is a great way to expel toxins, also urinating. Drinking upwards of 2 + gallons of water a day for 3-4 days(maybe one more day for females as they tend to have higher body fat percentages then males) along with what I'm about to recommend should have you in great shape by then. Niacin. Yes niacin, many people may try convert you from it, tell you its a myth. But just take a look here at what it does, I've tested this theory on myself and many others have tried it. *side note* you cannot use marijuana when trying to clean yourself out and also one should not smoke cigarrettes as they have potential to distract the focus of the niacin* Niacin supports a healthy blood lipid profile, and I'm sure many can tell you that when you exceed your body weight in milligrams of niacin (ex. I weigh 185lbs, so if I ingested 190mg+) one will begin to experience a flushing sensation, become very warm, the skin organ will swell and become red, and blotchy in areas(nothing disproportional). Normal overdose reaction. What you are feeling is the incineration of toxins from your fat cells into the blood stream. Aid this with an intense amount of water and it will be removed from your system in days. Begin with the megawatering of yourself a day before you begin the niacin, to allow free flow of toxins to be expelled. Less water means less traffic for waste as your body can store it to use the water for more important processes. Alkaline fruit juice, cranberry, pomegranate, acai, mango, will also aid the the removal of toxins, which tend to be acidic. I'm sure everyone is familiar with ph.
I'm sure I've left out some details, so when your question arises, do ask. There's so much to know about it. This is just the basics for cleaning the body.

So we've come to 3 things:

#1. Drink 16 8oz, glasses of water a day at least.
#2. Megadose niacin once every 6 hours 50-100 mg over your bodyweight. (if you haven't tried niacin before [vitamin B3], test it in small amounts to get a feel for it)
#3. High antioxidant fruit/vegetable juice - - Alkaline only- - orange juice, apple juice and grape juice are way too acidic.

**If you eat less heavy/solid foods during this time it will speed up detoxification process.
They test for goldenseal now, if they find it in your body. It can potentially fail a urine test when applying for a job.
Okay, well i've been looking into the Niacin thing.. what exactly do i do

Begin drinking about 2 gallons of water a day, over the course of maybe 4 days total.

You can begin taking niacin the same day. I would get a bottle of 250mg tablets for about 4.99$ at gnc. <--- ensured quality and potency there.

When you take the niacin, make sure you don't have anything to do for about 30-45 min following as you will begin to get flushed, warm and itchy. Don't worry it will go away, your just feeling it clean you out. Drink a full glass of water with the niacin.

Take the niacin about every 6 hours or at least twice a day. Urinate as frequently as possible.

You can take niacin for a 4th day, these low dosages will not reach a toxicity level in your body as they are water soluble, they leave when they are finished, nothing stored in the body. (which is of course why we are using it)

If you are worried you can take another day or two on it, but I'm sure after conditioning your body with 2 tablets a day/ for at least 3 days, it should have you at an optimal ph.

*100% fruit juices that are non-acidic, will help also with their high antioxidant content.(cranberry, blueberry, raspberry, pomegranate, acai)
*Remember drink plenty of water- 16 8oz. glasses a day at least*
*Your urine may be cloudy at first, this is normal*
I suggest before any takes mega-dose Vitamin B-3 that they read the toxicity data

Niacin Toxicity - Wikipedia

If you are taking so much that you have a physical reaction (i.e. skin itch) you may be challenging your liver's ability to rid the excess (my layman's opinion)

I have no knowledge whether Niacin does or does not help with passing the test.
The problem with niacin is all it does it dialate your blood vessels. How does that remove toxins?
Also one of the best things you can do if you have time is to eat a high fiber diet with metamucil. About 75% of the thc metabolites are moved through the bowels and can get reabsorbed by the body. By eating a high fiber diet it keeps everything movin thus diminishing the reabsorbtion rate.
I wasn't suggesting anyone exceed the limits to toxicity, for niacin. That would exceed 3g/day for a good while at least. I'm suggesting for only a mere few days, it does work. Niacin might have a small blood dilation effect, but thats not all it does. I suggest you read up a little more on it. Niacin is also a b-vitamin, it allows for energy creation. Or for niacin's sake, it cleans the fat cell thus easing the body's ability to utilize it. Sure check it out, do read about it before you decide to use it. Toxins are stored in the fat cell of the body, metamucil may work over time, I am just offering a quicker solution for those who may not have the time. I've personally used niacin many times, and I always feel very good after the flushing effect has worn off.

Also the dosage should only be about 50-100mg + (body weight in mg). Ex. I weigh 185lbs. so 185 + 50-100 = 255-285mg once or twice a day. 3 days wont even get you near the single day toxicity. I'm more than confident of the human body's ability to manipulate a mere vitamin.
That's very sound reasonable advise in my personal opinion

I wasn't suggesting anyone exceed the limits to toxicity, for niacin. That would exceed 3g/day for a good while at least. I'm suggesting for only a mere few days, it does work. Niacin might have a small blood dilation effect, but thats not all it does. I suggest you read up a little more on it. Niacin is also a b-vitamin, it allows for energy creation. Or for niacin's sake, it cleans the fat cell thus easing the body's ability to utilize it. Sure check it out, do read about it before you decide to use it. Toxins are stored in the fat cell of the body, metamucil may work over time, I am just offering a quicker solution for those who may not have the time. I've personally used niacin many times, and I always feel very good after the flushing effect has worn off.

Also the dosage should only be about 50-100mg + (body weight in mg). Ex. I weigh 185lbs. so 185 + 50-100 = 255-285mg once or twice a day. 3 days wont even get you near the single day toxicity. I'm more than confident of the human body's ability to manipulate a mere vitamin.
So this is the day where your peepee gets its quiz lol. Let us know how well it scored.

BtW, if it's just one of those stream-tests like you stated you should be fine as I don't think they will show dilution as a positive and I imagine you're going to be drinking a LOT of water. Fill your bladder and empty it several times prior to the test. Just before going into the bathroom snort a very large pinch of Square Snuff so that while you're urinating on the strip the person is holding in their hand you start sneezing uncontrollably.

Or would that be considered spiteful?
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