ACDC Strain

So much great info in this thread. I am going to try to find ACDC clones here in Denver. I look forward to growing and making some oils for this.
So much great info in this thread. I am going to try to find ACDC clones here in Denver. I look forward to growing and making some oils for this.

Try VIP they run tons of different strains. Craig list has clones. and R4 is easy to get If you cant find ACDC.
I will warn not to get clones at La Contes or the place on west Mississippi "Borg mites" , you might want to try the clone store on South Federal or 420.
I too, suffer from grand Mal seizures, and just got some ACDC tincture from synergy wellness. It hasn't arrived yet, but I am concerned about the cost ($60 a bottle) and as per their rep, I could need up to 6 bottles a month! That's way out of my range. I'm new to MMJ so please, bear with me. I so need a way to stop/ease my seizures without the godawful side effects of the pharmaceuticals. (Last one mentioned psychosis and kidney failure, and they do not stop the seizures effectively. )
Does vaping ACDC plant give the same anti-seizure effects as the tincture? Is the thc/CBD ratio the same no matter what the "intake" method may be?
Thanks in advance,
Barbara Ramp
Hello, I'm new here and I am very much interested in acquiring some AC/DC clones. I live in California and don't know where I can find that strain here. Thanks so much! ~Honey Girl
Why are there not seeds available of any of these high CBD strains? I have yet to grow more plants to gain the needed skills to grow such a plant, but I do intend to traverse this road in the future and try to work out a means to give this medicine to those in need, so I am doing some research now, just can't find any seeds for future use. I contact our sponsor Herbies a few months ago and they expressed their own interest in acquiring strains that are high in CBD, just don't know if they're there yet.

Does anyone have any leads on where to get legit high CBD seeds?
I've read that AC/DC is a pheno of Cannatonic. How does anyone tell if you have that pheno (AC/DC)? Also Cannatonic #4, another pheno, has been mentioned, even a pineapple cut out there?
Any chance of pics or descriptions of the various pheno's from Cannatonic? Sounds like popping Cannatonic seeds may be the best bet for some of us.

I do not have Dravet's Syndrome but this same type of Cannabis helps me with my severe nerve pain. I am wondering if you would be interesting if I could make a donation for some of your AC/DC clones or seeds? I hope I am not breaking the rules of the forum, I am desperate to find AC/DC Clones or Seeds for my condition.


I do not have Dravet's Syndrome but this same type of Cannabis helps me with my severe nerve pain. I am wondering if you would be interesting if I could make a donation for some of your AC/DC clones or seeds? I hope I am not breaking the rules of the forum, I am desperate to find AC/DC Clones or Seeds for my condition.


Questions & Answers - Hookups

I hope this helps brother man. Just looking to help spread the good word. I hope you the best.
I've read that AC/DC is a pheno of Cannatonic. How does anyone tell if you have that pheno (AC/DC)? Also Cannatonic #4, another pheno, has been mentioned, even a pineapple cut out there?
Any chance of pics or descriptions of the various pheno's from Cannatonic? Sounds like popping Cannatonic seeds may be the best bet for some of us.

I am growing Cannatonic from seed right now. It recently flipped from veg to flower, so if you want to follow the journey check out my journal in the signature. Tonight I plan to take clones of all four plants including Cannatonic. apparently I have a 1:4 chance of getting a >1:1 CBD:THC ratio. If that is the case, then Ill definitely keep the mom around and grow it as a staple. we need a daytime functioning strain for my wife's migraines.

I do not have Dravet's Syndrome but this same type of Cannabis helps me with my severe nerve pain. I am wondering if you would be interesting if I could make a donation for some of your AC/DC clones or seeds? I hope I am not breaking the rules of the forum, I am desperate to find AC/DC Clones or Seeds for my condition.


I'm still trying to find seeds or clones of ac/dc , but in the mean time I'm growing Harle-Tsu from sohum seeds collective and it shows up to 21 % CBD, the THC is less than 1% as I understand the literature . my wife's severe migraines *only* respond to high CBD, she still uses lolipops to add THC for night time, but after 18 months on it, CBD is the key for her.

sohum only ships to California and you must be a resident to buy from them and join them.
"I have access to ACDC clones and that is probably what we will grow, but none of the strain info sites have information on the strain. Best growing conditions, veg and flowering timelines, growing characteristics, special considerations, etc. If any of you have experience with this strain and can fill in some of the blanks for me I'd really appreciate it."

9 months after you asked and still nobody has answered your questions? Did you grow it out yet?

I just picked up clones of this strain. I'm going to do some research and will post specific growth characteristics back here for those interested.
"I have access to ACDC clones and that is probably what we will grow, but none of the strain info sites have information on the strain. Best growing conditions, veg and flowering timelines, growing characteristics, special considerations, etc. If any of you have experience with this strain and can fill in some of the blanks for me I'd really appreciate it."

9 months after you asked and still nobody has answered your questions? Did you grow it out yet?

I just picked up clones of this strain. I'm going to do some research and will post specific growth characteristics back here for those interested.

No I still do not have any access to that strain, I would have to drive up to northern California to get clones, seems ODD, only one web site in Canada has seeds and they want 200.00 for 10 , to which I say , "swallow them up your nose ".

I do however have seeds from SOHUM seeds, for their HARLE-TSU strain.

I have successfully grown it 2 times so far , it has around 19 to 21% and the males that were tested by one lab had 14% , that's not too shabby for a male plant growing pollen sacs.

I live in Los Angeles, and this strain is VERY tough almost dummy proof to grow and so far no powdery mildew, bees and humming birds in my backyard love it ;)

I had 5 males on my first grow last year, I collected all the pollen from them and then made tincture for my wife and it kicked ass !!!.
I just harvested one female , cause she and my son were running out , and this plant was half way in the bud growing (hated to cut it) but already covered in sticky trichomes and I made 2 quarts of tincture( net 2 quarts ).

I had around 1 more quart un-processed that was left of the alcohol, I put in a dehumidifier (the one with blue plastic trays to dry fruits and stuff) on a dish and left it on overnight(used 1 tray only) and managed to get half a small Ball canning jar of solid Simpson oil "grade" super solid paste, bitter as all hell, but I gave myself a small chunk (wrapped it in a small chunk of bread) , because it also has around 6% THC along with the 19% CBD , I got a rather nice mellow high overnight and all day next day with no pain in my joints or back. :bravo:
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