Activated charcoal aquarium filter Yes or no


New Member
I have heard that if you us and activated charcoal filter to continually filter your reservoir (to keep it clean) that you can remove some of the good micro nutrients.

True or false.

I had a 350 magnum lying around that I thought i'd use to keep particles out of the reservoir. I used some activated charcoal then read somewhere the above.

So if true, I will just use a particle filter.

Thanks for your help
I would think with a word like filter, you're going to be removing some elements the plants need. If your worried about your reservoir being kept sterile & clean, run some Flora Shield or something similar in the system with every reservoir change.
I cant speak with certainty here but having a big aquarium and knowing what you are talking about I would be worried that you carbon could wipe out the good bacteria and other stuff that lives on and helps your roots. Also what will it do to what ever nutes you use.
I think if it was a good idea we would see that type of filter in ever hydro shop we go in... The water pump filter should be a really good one....
I'm more concerned about the filter no one talks about.. I'm of a mind that if you don't filter your air pump air, you're only asking for problems...Most people take really good care of the water, check the ph, ppm, water level, then pump unfiltered air through it... You don't have to guess how the spores and bacteria get in the water.... Water makes a good filter, air passing through it is cleansed... You can't help but get whaterever's in the air, into your reservoir.. Even though you can't see it, the air leaves a little something behind... Let the reservoir get warm and any bad guys that came in, have now found a home..
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