Adding floros to existing 1000wHPS system


New Member
I have run out of space to add any additional ceiling lighting, wondering what the general population on here thinks about my adding a few 6 foot, 4 bulb floros to the walls, angled down of course?

Heat is an issue, as is ceiling space. Am thinking that adding the floros would increase my lumen output dramatically, with out increasing the heat much.

Any thoughts?

Thanks all, and Merry Christmas to all of ya.... even the agnostics..;)
I always like adding CFLs to my hps systems, but its hard to advise you without pics or dimensions. In general if you can sturdily mount them without them blocking any light from the hps then they are great. Adds lumens and some blue spec with very little heat and power.
Thanks Bilmoe, what you added is basically what I am talking about.. adding lumen's to a HPS system with floros.. but.. I am planning on using using 3, 4foot 6 bulb lamps, attached to the walls at an angle to add more light to the plant, rather then simply placing a bunch of small bulbs in there..

Sorry for not adding any pics of the room, but its a tough room to describe, other than to say, there are more walls that an average room.. kinda hexagonal..large but odd shaped...;)

In truth , I could , probably add in 3 more 100w HPS systems, but that would necessitate an additional, HID controller, additional carbon filter and blower, venting etc. etc,, thats just more than I need or want to do right now..

One plant per light by the way...huge plants and yields already.. but I have turned greedy , ever since I started this hobby!

I am wondering if anyone has tried this setup..?

Or... am I the first.. ;)
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