Alcohol and plastic bag?


New Member
I'm cleaning my piece and I put it in a plastic bag with 70% ethyl alcohol(rubbing) and I was just wondering if its safe to keep in that or can the alcohol eat away at the bag or something?
Oh lol Some people say they leave theirs in like overnight and stuff with 90%. Alright then thank you for the information.:allgood:
i dont even think theres need for a bag just shake the alcohol in ur pipe for like 2 3 mins and rinse and ur pipe will be clean as new!
I've heard that aclohol isn't that good for cleaning pipes, and the boiling water is the best, IDK, i've been hearing that a lot lately but i've used both methods many times and both work fine
boiling it just has a risk of chipping ur might damage it if ur not careful
Do not boil your pipe, it weakens the glass. If its metal boil away. I've never heard of rubbing alcohaul eating through a plastic baggie, and I'm pretty sure it won't.
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