Any weed in pakistan

youll most likely only find hash

my good friend and old roommate is from pakistan and basically he says everyone smokes hash like no big deal but youre a sissy if you smoke weed

so no weed but first class hash all the way :smokin:
waht do you smoke hash with tobacco in a cigggartte will taste like shit and give me a headache i love my exotic highs
panman said:
waht do you smoke hash with tobacco in a cigggartte will taste like shit and give me a headache i love my exotic highs

youre going to enter a place where hookahs can be bought for a mere couple of dollars...
I understand Lahore has a couple of bhang shops. Anywhere else I haven't a clue.

Ask about bhang or ganga if you want weed. Bhang is the term for the common ditchweed,but it will do the job. Ganga is the term for damned good weed. Both names will get you what you're looking for.

Pakistan produces world class hash. Buy a lil' hash pipe in a tobacco shop then ask if they've got anything to fill it. You might be pleasantly surprised.
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