Anyone Ever Seen this Kind of crazy Foxtailing?

Evening guys :)

yes @013 is right, plants can be flowered under longer than 12/12 and that you initiate the flowering with 12/12. Then after 2-3 weeks, increase the “daylength” with 15/9 being the longest day I have ever tried. Did it just for fun to see if it shortened flowering time. It really didn’t so other than starting Sativas indoors and finishing them outdoors, I have found no reason to bother.

I found out about flowering under longer days by accident the first year I grew. I had plants outdoors that I decided to clone, sometime in July, thinking I would keep some mothers. I had them under a 14.5/9.5 light schedule, same as I normally vegged plants I intended to put outdoors. About a month indoors under that light schedule, 4 of the plants started flowering and a continued to flower them under that schedule if I remember.

Strain and age of the plant likely play a role in “when” they will flower as well. The 4 clones that went into flower were all THC Bomb and taken from a plant that sprouted 7-8 months earlier.
Thanks for the clarity on this, Celt, like I said it don’t matter if I’m right or wrong but let’s get the facts on the table. Ok but I think this uncovers the other side of that equation too, that if left for a long period of veg time a female photo can reach a point of maturity and start flowering while not requiring an actual flip to 12/12... is that what correct as best you know?

But then if you jiimy with her light hours by going back up to 20/4 or 24 then she could easily reveg?
That would be my assumption @013. I suspect much depends on the strain and it’s genetics. Say a strain that has heavy Sativa genetics from an equatorial origin would likely require 12/12 to start flowering, whereas an Indica dominate strain that originated or has been acclimatized to a latitude closer to 45 may start to flower when the light schedule is near 15/9.

Another factor that can play into this as well, concerning outdoor plants, is shade. There is, for lack of a better description, a switch that triggers flower start and is regulated by the ratio of red to far red light. In the shade, much of the red light is absorbed by the upper canopy leaving far red to be absorbed by the lower canopy. This causes an reduction in the red:far red ratio and when that ratio drops to the right ratio, flowering starts.

Experiments have been done where a far red led was used during the dark period for a few minutes. By doing this, they discovered that plants that required 12hrs darkness, could be put into flower with only 10 hours dark period.
Roger than on strain or genetic peculiarities. That’s insane, there are so many hard and fast rules with a few odd curve balls thrown in. I’ve read some on far red and it’s intriguing but way out of my league. For now I need dependable harvest but cutting power consumption has my interest yet I cant justify $$ to get there for a while. I know it’s pay me now or pay me later kind of deal but my shopping list runneth over.

Well thanks for your brain power and skill, not to mention for clearing this up, have great weekend man!
So my take is it's a photo. I got lucky and the first plant flowered successfully for 10 weeks under 24 HR of light. The second plant flowered for over a month but re-vegged?
That is correct.... but let me add - just because you flipped the lights for a month does not mean it necessarily was in flower for a month. Why? Because depending on genetics and plant maturity some plants take longer for the hormones to switch over to flower. Strain A may flip after only 7 days but Strain X may not flip until after 16 days of 12/12.... therefore was barely in flower and then the flip back to 24/0 triggered the reveg.
That is correct.... but let me add - just because you flipped the lights for a month does not mean it necessarily was in flower for a month. Why? Because depending on genetics and plant maturity some plants take longer for the hormones to switch over to flower. Strain A may flip after only 7 days but Strain X may not flip until after 16 days of 12/12.... therefore was barely in flower and then the flip back to 24/0 triggered the reveg.
Now this makes sense. Thanks. I'm disappointed I didn't get to take her to the end. The skunkiest plant I've ever grown. It's like an orange and a skunk had a baby. The clippings made the entire house reek for days.
I trimmed the "buds", basically all foxtaily with just a few " normal" buds. Probably looking at about 4-5oz cured. So it will be vaporizer and cooking bud for a friend with a spinal injury. I tried it and even this early it was good. Heavy sativa early then a good light body high.
Thanks all for the input, I always learn something here. Now I have to try and find some CBD/ light thc seeds for my next crop. I'm flush with bud( heavy thc), but I have several friends that need medicine.
So I got 4 quart sized mason jars full of the " bud" curing now. Stinks of citrus skunk. Hell just jarring it from the paper bags got me scolded for stinking up the whole house! LoL
I love how each grow is a learning experience, and those so much more educated on this lend their knowledge and expertise. I take info and suggestions from everyone and apply what I learn from y'all to future grows.
Thank you.
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