Big howdy from N. Maine!


Active Member
hey folks! came on over from AFN. heard good things going on here! started my 1st indoor weed grow about a month ago . had some issues but waira got me back on track! looking' forward to talking 'growing and strains! been gardening for 30yrs but new to weed. maine just passed rec. weed! yay! futures lookin' very green! happy growing'!
yeah i heard MA passed it too! now they can go after the heroin and meth heads and leave us alone! thanks for the welcome! someday we should have a n. england get together! that would be cool! could try out each others stuff! i got 5 plants going right now at day 34 . 2 n.l autos, 1 n.l blue auto, 1 early widow auto and a photo w.w thats at day 12. should have cured smoke by mid mar.! bought a 12' by 30' greenhouse kit from amazon. going to grow for me and some family and friends come spring. can have up to 6 flowering plants and 2.5 oz. and unlimited seedlings per person. i can't wait! wicked good times!
! happy growing!
yeah i heard MA passed it too! now they can go after the heroin and meth heads and leave us alone! thanks for the welcome! someday we should have a n. england get together! that would be cool! could try out each others stuff! i got 5 plants going right now at day 34 . 2 n.l autos, 1 n.l blue auto, 1 early widow auto and a photo w.w thats at day 12. should have cured smoke by mid mar.! bought a 12' by 30' greenhouse kit from amazon. going to grow for me and some family and friends come spring. can have up to 6 flowering plants and 2.5 oz. and unlimited seedlings per person. i can't wait! wicked good times!
! happy growing!
Getting some rec sessions together would be great. And I completly agree with focusing on opiate and amphetamine problems, hopefully it brings a nice shift in focus and we stop hearing about useless eradication tactics. I don't care if someone gets busted with 200 plants etc... I care about the fact that growers neighbor is hypothetically a heroin dealer and they didn't find him. It's how we spend taxpayers money and law enforcement time on getting rid of a plant that can grow almost anywhere. Investigating gardeners basically haha. You know I believe Maine holds a few harvest festivals every fall, not sure what they entail exactly just read about em.
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