Bloombox mods?


New Member
has anyone ever done any?

I see many different methods of growing hydro, Deep Water Culture, hempy, ebb & flow, etc...

has anyone ever modded a bloombox to grown one of these (or other) methods?

just trying to think outside the box while still being able to grow in the box

did my first mod last night (out of necessity)
I bumped the big 95 watt cfl bulb in the veg chamber and broke it (no spare on hand)(no place to buy a replacement until Monday AM)
local hardware store: 6 porcelain "keyless" light bases $1.39 each
costco: 6@ 18 watt 6500 kelvin bulbs $4.99 (already had them on hand)
5 feet of wire and 45 minutes later...
108 watts of daylight and $5 bulb changes rather than $50 bulb changes

when I figure out the picture posting thing here on 420, I'l show what I did
It's nice to see another Bloombox grower here. I'm new too so it looks like there's no posting pics or direct contact until we hit the magic #25 posts. Reading between the lines it appears you're talking about cost saving mods(?). Looks like you've already got a handle on that. I've been using mine for awhile and have noticed a couple things. First, it's hard to have too much light. When BCNL began offering their boxes with additional T-5 lower lights on the flowering side I added the upgrade, which requires a power strip and separate 110V timer. This can be purchased elsewhere for less and can also be fitted with both cool and warm spectrum bulbs. Also, since more is, well, more, I found a fully sealed drop-light with a wide spectrum CFL to use in the veg side to help mostly with Mum. Here's a link, Model 7740 [ fluorescent - waterproof ], but be warned, they're expensive. Finally, I've added a modest aquarium air pump to both act as a backup in case the built-in one fails (it happened once), and to provide extra oxygenation and root cleaning in the last weeks of flowering. Hope this helps.
yes, this mod was a mad scramble to provide light NOW, and it worked
I see where more side lighting could be helpful, I'm not sure the age of my box (used purchase)
learning more daily and waiting for the FIRST harvest! 2 weeks +/-

to heck with modest, I added a mondo air pump and have 4 big airstones on the bloom side and 2 on the veg side, I figure more is better with oxygenation :)

Welcome to the wonderful world of gardening all in 33 cf or so. As for the additional handheld water resistant CFL in use it's difficult to say whether it's necessary. It was an attempt to address the light being blocked by the growing mom canopy. It doesn't seem to hurt and is pretty easy to rationalize other than its cost. Doubt this helps but you never know.
Hey do you know if you can throw a 400 wat HPS bulb in the flower chamber and just use it for pure vegitation or would that overheat the box? i am running co2...
This thread is obviously pretty old, but I too am looking to upgrade my bloombox. Iv already added an extra pump and manifold to splice it in. Iv also added a 1/10hp water chiller. I just drilled a couple holes in the back with a uni bit and in the lid of the hydro 9 tub. I'm looking to upgrade to LED due to heat I'm having. I'm in the south. When it's already 104 outside, that extra heat inside really works the AC. And the AC is already using lots of energy those months, so I'd like to lower my usage anyway I can. LED seems my best bet.

Anybody done this?
Still curious if anyone has MOD'd their bloombox into LED?

This thread is obviously pretty old, but I too am looking to upgrade my bloombox. Iv already added an extra pump and manifold to splice it in. Iv also added a 1/10hp water chiller. I just drilled a couple holes in the back with a uni bit and in the lid of the hydro 9 tub. I'm looking to upgrade to LED due to heat I'm having. I'm in the south. When it's already 104 outside, that extra heat inside really works the AC. And the AC is already using lots of energy those months, so I'd like to lower my usage anyway I can. LED seems my best bet.

Anybody done this?
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