Bringing 3 week flowering plants inside under Agrobrite 200W CFL do to bad weather causing high RH


Well-Known Member
Bad weather from tropical storm.Inside for the next couple days, under Agrobrite 200w CFL. I have yet to use this light but I was told it could take me from seed to harvest with one plant easily,( what do you think?)
As this is only to take her out of the 80-90percent humidity so to avoid botryitis.
So worried about this little devil.
Such is life in sunny FL.
Anyway I think this is ok ,but please let me know how YOU feel.
Like i stated it's only for a day or two ,maybe...Usually through out the day if there's no rain the RH stays at 37-59RH
With rain it shoots up into the 80s and 90s fast.
Back on track; to take my plant,it's exactly three full weeks flowering and for the next day or two have it inside 35-39 percent humidity Under an Agrobrite 200w
Hooded CFL w reflection shield. For a day or two until this weather passes, or could I even keep it inside under the light , Or would that be stressing it too much seeing as it's used to growing under the sun/ the best pro I see is humidity control , I just wonder if it would be able to flower a plant?
Thanks for any and all input/feedback.
This is a re-post as I am pretty sure I put it in the wrong thread.
If there's a good argument for keeping it inside,or if I hear that I can definitely keep flowering at a good pace under my light I think just the benifit of avoiding high humidity with having it in a temperature controlled room with good air flow could be reason enough..
idk let me know what you guys think.
thanks!! IMG_20200802_075004905.jpgIMG_20200802_075001049.jpg
Light should be good & since that’s a cfl it’s not going to burn the plant. But yes that light is not going to drive a big harvest by itself but it’s enough for a plant. The good news is this is a temporary situation and after a day or two you can put the plant back outside.

Yes by all means keep plant indoors until the hurricane passes!
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