Broken stem

Gaffa tape and hope for the best, iv snapped plenty of stems early stages flower and they have healed with Gaffa tape but never close to harvest. I would doctor it best you can and keep an eye on it, if it does start to die then remove it from the room to stop the spread of mold etc.. make a low potency edible as not to waste it. Good luck
Well when you say "broke" do you mean bent over, snapped completely off, hanging on by a thread?
A photo would help. There are things that can be done in some cases but we need to see or better understand your actual situation to provide advice.
That's usually a lost cause dude. For experimental purposes if it were me I would make a splint with popsicle sticks and tape. Line up the break as best as possible and tightly wrap it with the popsicle sticks all around the stem vertically.
Get the stem in water ASAP while you collect the items you need. Air in the stem is bad.
Like I said... Probably a loss but if it were me I would entertain myself with an experiment of trying to see if the plant is capable of repairing a severed stem...
As previously suggested thought, if it starts to die get rid of it so rot or disease doesn't spread.
For the record I am about 2% sure this will work LOL. Sorry... but hey! why not try right? If it doesn't cost anything and you have nothing to loose why not experiment and learn from yourself first hand right?
Good Luck.
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