Bud Rot: Now What?


420 Member
This Santa Marta Gold was in a little shadier spot. It was about 6 feet from its sister who is in a little more sun but I should probably make a big decision soon. My question is, “Will these buds be smokable? Can I clean the worst of it off? I’m a new grower. Last year I grew one plant that went into November without a problem.


You can try to cut out affected buds but chances are if they went mouldy in your environment, the rest will do the same
If it isn't that serious, a H2O2 or Citric spray and bud wash may salvage some of it
Yes, cut out the bad buds and toss.

Take the remaining buds and wash in a mix of H2O2 and water and then a wash in lemon juice (which contains citric acid). Follow up with a couple of room temperature water rinses. The H2O2 wash should be about 10 minutes long to be sure to get all mold or at least as much as possible.

Citric Acid sprays seem to be great as a way to prevent severe Bud Rot problems from starting but I am not sure it is the best way to go by itself once an infection starts to show. The H2O2 kills off the mold and the Citric Acid helps to keep the surface of the remaining buds at a pH level that prevents any remaining spores from attaching and starting to grow. So both steps, one after the other followed with a couple of rinses is my method whether I noticed any mold or not.
I harvested most of the SMG earlier this week and the last of it today as I was loosing a bud here and there to rot. Shame too because it has only been a week since I girdled it And I heard that it would be golden. I harvested all but the seed buds on the PR. The PR is in a better spot wrt sun and breeze so I hope the seeds will have a chance to ripen.


Santa Marta Gold
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