CaliLED First Grow MadMen OG in Soil April 2013


New Member
21 MM OG clones started in 2" rockwool cubes
Transplanted into MG organic choice(all i could get ahold of but will transplant into Fox Farm)40%MG 60%perlite
Running Magnum+ LED lights
RO water PHed to 6.5

Got the clones April 6th heres a few pics over the last week:

from the looks of the second pic im starting to get some nuteburn. wish i read more about MG organic choice before i bought it. It has organic time released food but not the little dissolving balls. Can i flush it to provide my own nutes from here on out? Want to start introducing them to some CaliMagic and BioRoot.

They were tranplanted 3 days ago
after inspecting a little better it doesnt look like root burn to me. im not quite sure what it is so im not going to flush the soil im just going to wait to transplant it into bigger pots with better soil. For now im just going to keep introducing the BioRoot and CaliMagic. Maybe throw some BioThriveGrow in it next week. Some of the original leaves have ther weird discoloring but the new growth all has a very healthy green coloring. Going to wait it out a couple days and see what happens
Thinking it was a Ph issue but that should be resolved with this new batch of water. next watering im going to test my runoff to see what the current ph is at
all looking good. lots of new growth everyday. have been running 1/2 strength CaliMagic and BioRoot with 6.5ph RO water as needed

i tried to FIM but honestly i have no idea if it worked or not. i did it about 2 days ago now and lots of new growth is forming but i dont know if it has anything to do with the attempted fim. ill pull some out of the LED light to get some good pics and hopefully someone can let me know. From the articles ive read and videos ive watched i dont think it worked. Im guessing that i didnt cut enough off or i might of even cut the wrong spot. Ill go get some pics

#1 where i cut


#2 where i cut

#3 was growing alot higher than all the others so i topped it(i think)

#3 topped

#4 probably my best looking plant right now

#4 where i cut

#1 where i cut


#2 where i cut

#3 was growing alot higher than all the others so i topped it(i think)

#3 topped

#4 probably my best looking plant right now

#4 where i cut

Hey plants looking good . I FIM cut one of my plants you should check it out on my thread. And also i was told when your plants start turn upwards that the ph is too high . Ph your water around 5.5 -6.0 . I done this to my plants and they are doing alot better .
have algae growing from light getting in the sides of the clear cups. now i see why they say to use a colored cup. Put the cups in paper bags to hopefully kill it off. Running full strength BioRoot and Calimagic today. Going to give 1/4 strength nutes tomorrow of some other General Organics products and see how they react. They have recovered after lst and lots of new chutes pointing up. Going to transplant soon into a FFOF/Coco/Perlite mix and do some more LST with fimming. Need them low and bushy for these LEDs
moved them into the bloom room to veg a few more weeks. one of my ropes snapped and a light fell but didnt break thank god! It did do some damage to a couple plants but i think they are all savable. let me upload a few pics
here is everything after transplanting:

heres the 6 per light after LSTing. the 3 in cups are mothers waiting for transplants(waited too long to transplant)

close up of the LST
transplanted mother finally. should bounce back to good health in next few days

stem broken from light, repaired with some duct tape

plant that was here got squished by light that fell so i plucked most the leaves and repotted it. Put this one in its spot


side view
transplanted into 30% coco 30% FFOF and 40% perlite

ended up going with Fox Farm nutes. Watered with Bioroot(General organic), FF BigBloom, and FF Grow Big.

Going to water tomorrow with only CaliMagic
about 6-7 weeks in now plants are low and bushy thanks to LST. going to be putting them in scrog soon than flower a week after nets up.

2 of the plants top leaves are folding in on each other not really sure why heres a pic:

pulled some funky looking leaves off a couple plants. not sure whats up with them either but almost all the other leaves are nice and green:

Some tips of the leaves are getting discolored(whitish) and wilting a little bit:

These were all taken with soil very dry after first watering since transplant. This morning they got a nice batch of nutes/water/superthrive so im hoping the couple little issues get cleared up. Next watering will start with tigerbloom. This batch was FF Bigbloom, GO Bioroot, FF Grow Big, and CaliMagic.

LED make pics hard to get. One of these days ill take some pics in normal light but heres what they look like even tho you cant see much:
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