Can it be saved?


420 Member
Hey guys, amateur up in here.
First timer- At start was fine growing great till it reached 2feet tall, stopped growing noticed it started flowering early 1-2mth stage (Outdoor growing)
In Aus. Weird I kno. Don't know any better lol.
I re planted coz old soil wasnt that great was mixed with sand. Now it looks like this. Droopy at weird times then springs back in mornings. Is it salvageable?? Any help is appreciated
Not sure about the drooping. We would need more info.
Some of the weird appearance is probably caused by revegging. The light schedule in Aus, generally speaking, is right around that time in spring where it changes from flowering schedule (less then 14 hours a day) to something more suited to veg mode ( > 14 hours)
Hey Raelz1,

welcome to the forums at 420...the soil in that pic looks funky, there is a lot of wood hips and no aeration in there but I suspect the drooping is from being over watered / watered too frequently. Yes on what WeaselCracker said on reveg... also suspect the roots are not hooked up because of the watering situation.

for now don’t replant or transplant again.... let that soil dry out...don’t water a plant every day, or every 3 days. Roots get lazy being spoon fed everything, when soil totally dries out she will send out tiny root hairs to search for water. a plant that size should go 4 to 6 days without water.

another thing about your watering habits - don’t pour the water right near the stalk, sprinkle water in circle away from the main stalk to encourage roots to search.

I think you are giving too much water at one time, and then adding more water a day or two later when she hasn’t used up water from the previous watering session. forget that bull shit about stick a finger in the soil, when top dries out 1 inch the bottom is still plenty wet. She can’t hook up the roots because they can’t breathe due to the constantly wet soil

my 2 cents but see what other replies you get
Hey Raelz1,

welcome to the forums at 420...the soil in that pic looks funky, there is a lot of wood hips and no aeration in there but I suspect the drooping is from being over watered / watered too frequently. Yes on what WeaselCracker said on reveg... also suspect the roots are not hooked up because of the watering situation.

for now don’t replant or transplant again.... let that soil dry out...don’t water a plant every day, or every 3 days. Roots get lazy being spoon fed everything, when soil totally dries out she will send out tiny root hairs to search for water. a plant that size should go 4 to 6 days without water.

another thing about your watering habits - don’t pour the water right near the stalk, sprinkle water in circle away from the main stalk to encourage roots to search.

I think you are giving too much water at one time, and then adding more water a day or two later when she hasn’t used up water from the previous watering session. forget that bull shit about stick a finger in the soil, when top dries out 1 inch the bottom is still plenty wet. She can’t hook up the roots because they can’t breathe due to the constantly wet soil

my 2 cents but see what other replies you get
Top bloke you are. Cheers for that
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