Can somebody answer this

Another thing is.... I've been vegging for a month now and only got 9 inches so far. Is that average or am I doing something wrong?

Might be qualitie of light source...

For vegging MH metal halides, CFLs 6500k or T5/T8 6500k are used these are all blue spectrum lights/bulbs which are considored effecient for vegitive growth.
CFL's can be hanged from a distance of 2.5cm or 1 inch or 5cm to 2 inch from plant growing tip with out ill effect !

Adjust height every few days to allow for growth... :thumb:

Cfl's have a real crap light penertration due to the inverse law of lighting effect, but are more than suitable for seedling germination/clones & vegging.

I use a 125w 6400k cfl for all of the above and veg for an aprox of 8 weeks with it... you can view my journal for details if you so wish to see results which is located in my sig.
OK. Good looking out with the info.... u vegged for 8 weeks. How tall do they get in 8 weeks?

As i only use a gaint 125w cfl 6400k to cover a 60cm by 60cm squared area for 4 plants grown to a small bush size.

On average they are about 20 inch to 24 inch tall before being put into flowering cycle.

The vegging period does include 2 weeks for clones to root tho, so thats about 6 weeks of veg on average !

Please bear in mind that i do grow an indica dominate strain these are often known for their shorter growing height & that i use a smaller bulb than normal this may effect plant growth rate due to lower light energy ?

These are variables factors which may effect my own grow style tho...

With an average of 42g to 48g dry weight per plant over the last two grows of this strain under a 400w dual spectrum HPS, even tho soil ammendents where used plus early LST training which where different between grows may of effected end results...

Yet more variables :love:

I'm constantly tweeking my own grow methods to improve results :thumb:
O.k I'm confused about something here. How is it ur using a 125watt cfl at 6400k and I'm using 350watt cfl at 6500k which is 100k more and 225 more Watts with only 100k more. I don't understand that one so if u can explain it to me it would be very helpful in understand Watts and kelvins.
I have three different plants going and their all growing the same way. Slow short and bushy. Here is a pic of the plants. The big one on the right is a bag seed. The two next to it is n.y.c.d and next to the are great white shark.
I see youre room is sitting at 80 degrees. Where is your fresh air intake/ventilation? Toss 2 more of them little 6 inch fans. Your microenvironment (small areas where plants are damn near touching) plus heat is providing a perfect environment for powdery mildew. DOnt let the man bring you down!
Well the blue spectrum of light comes from around 7000k down to 5500k roughly and on average most grow lights are around 6400/6500k which is about optimal kelvin or wave length for vegitive growth, this falls into an area known as chlorophyl A & B which is peak photosynthesis for certain stages of plant growth !

Kelvin may also by measured in Nm - nanometers ... but light wave length is home work for ya :thumb:

& yes theirs one for flowering... aka the red spectrum of light.

Kelvins & Nm represent light spectrum wave length for optimal plant growth.

Wattage is purely power of bulb, would could be related to light intensity... hence the reason why people prefer larger bulbs as this may effect over all yield or plant growth !
I see youre room is sitting at 80 degrees. Where is your fresh air intake/ventilation? Toss 2 more of them little 6 inch fans. Your microenvironment (small areas where plants are damn near touching) plus heat is providing a perfect environment for powdery mildew. DOnt let the man bring you down!

Some of above is quite important !

Excessive heat can stunt growth...

Poor air exchange/flow due to lack of ventilation can cause stunted growth.
Hey muttt wuzz good. I just got finished changing the water and checking the Ph. When I went to change the water in the big plant the water was gone and I just put a gallon of water in there Thursday. Is that suppose to happen?
Depends on what the temperature is inside of your room. Different genetics will absorb nutes/water at different rates. Perhaps your girl is just real thirsty. Time for a bigger reservoir. Look into deep water culture.
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