Candy Cane autoflower may have a problem need advice


Well-Known Member
Has anyone grown this plant before and did it show the reddish purple stems or am I dealing with a phosphorus def. it only has it on a few stems and the leaves look pretty good , I am about a week in to flower and it had this before it started to flower and it doesn't seem to be spreading any further on the plant
A lot of opinions out there on what causes red stems. Some say lighting, some say genetics, some say calcium and/ or phosphorus deficiency......... I believe it's probably a combination of all of them but if your plants are showing no signs of slowing down then I wouldn't worry about it.
I'm not downplaying your plants showing you signs....its great that you've noticed.... but this is a very common one and your plants look fine so I wouldn't get all stressed about it.
Especially with an Autoflower, she would definitely let you know and Im sure she looks fine!

Any pics?
Red stems can be from a wide variety of things like guy has mentioned here.

I would worry about your fans Leafs how do they all look?

Candy cane auto I have grown but was first grow and was learning .

I can tell you it does like cal mag and they can get out of control very aggressive autos I’ve had when I ran them hit 4 feet and tent was only 5 lol not much light cleared 4 zips best I got for ya
Has anyone grown this plant before and did it show the reddish purple stems or am I dealing with a phosphorus def. it only has it on a few stems and the leaves look pretty good , I am about a week in to flower and it had this before it started to flower and it doesn't seem to be spreading any further on the plant
I get that all the time and I've read that is essentially the plant growing "too fast" in veg, which to me doesn't really seem like a bad thing. ;) The coloring is just the plants reaction to the rapid growth. Is she a big plant? Pics help.
yes she is 3 ft tall and is a week in to flower and I cut 6 inches off the top 2 weeks ago as I could see she was gonna be a monster in height and was afraid it would out grow my 7 ft tent by the end of flower , I didn't do any topping trimming , training as it is a auto and thought how big can a auto get well here I am in learning the hard way -friggin again :reading420magazine: lol
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