Cannabis susceptibility in retention of Heavy metals


New Member
(1)-You cant expect the technical aspect of Chemistry or the modern day alchemy ciphers surrounding the growth, maturation or flowering of Cannabis, to be acknowledged by everyone who will attempt to understand or grow Cannabis.Right? Today products are simplified so folks wont or "Don't need to"ask questions.
-Moderation and Awareness of handling your materials properly safely and accurately IS the underline issue here.
You may be thinking " Well of course, recommended dosages are the norm anywhere yo'...DUh".
(Follow The label) "But its the Norm as a whole, insinuating the unseen problem, 4th Dimension is itself and all before it, 3D sees through 2D etc...."
However.........that is exactly my point. Measuring wrong is one thing, Comprehending Contents and their dynamic is another story!! Quantifying and gauging a preferred application has many degrees of variation in its margins. In that all users cant be expected to use the same level of attention or discretion in the measurements of any given "Over the Counter" "Garden" Variety (<---LOL) plant food. Aside from Chem. Burns on growth (obvious)...With out knowing how to Identify PPM levels of the variant pre mixes, bases, compounds, and Additives in the formula they just " BUY & APPLY" 'YEA GO CRAZY'
(Just Add Water (Pre-Made!!!!, PRE MIXED) Solutions ), EASY_SIMPLE_NO-BRain er'
easy for lazy absent minded STONERS TO GET WRONG... (GUILTLY!! :)) :bravo:
and they know just ta off all us "go greeners"? Who the F' Knows.
-Lack of attention to substance that is making your substance and being able to integrate any sort of form intuitive growing traits with the living cannabis plant, becomes next to impossible. It becomes a methodical state of manufacturing the beloved plant. All Heart Here PPL!
Not to mention in Hot weather during summer that keeps many people in a world of Heat/PH Problems that deter them from cropping in the summer indoors, because they ALL use the same neuts. that leave salt gardens.....(Unless they wanna pay for mad BTU Air Conditioning.) More over, Cumulative attrition in heavy metal retention in cannabis can be a factor here because once a grower finds a Feed cycle that works, the cycle of degeneration begins to apply because of extended use.
If he smokes his own shit, grown on the same Regiment for 2 years....that in my mind is sufficient time to concern a cumulative nature.
(2)- Fertilizer Vs Nutrient.
Additives to Achieve a synthesis of NPK
or Raw Form by weight and dilution?
(3)-Endothermic Reactions.
(4) It the Fruit / Stalk / Leaves that Retain the Metals, Not the Root systems.
Re: *Notation{}Cannabis susceptibility in retension of Heavy metals.*Revision(S)


IN ABSOLUTELY no NO way Am I Saying that this Product is ineffective in any way. In fact it gives uncanny results! The only thing im Knockin' is Miss Marys Boots! :)
It has been established tested and successfully used by many many heads before me, who's opinions, values and time invested are much more respectable and versed than me and mine! I Just wanted to offer another perspective for the cannabis community as a whole so the information passed down to the next generations of growers can be full and unadulterated like the med heads should expect our crops to be! That way the new ranks of freedom grows, will not have to fight through the mistakes that WE ALL are deciphering and debating truth over today, during the 2015 Cannabis Prohibition!
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