Captain Jacks Deadbug - Can I spray the buds with this?


New Member
I am about 4 weeks into flowering and last night I noticed a couple strands of a web forming. I have captain jacks dead bug and was wondering if I should spray shortly before the lights turn off or right when they turn on. Also is it OK to spray the buds?
I believe spinosad has been shown to have negative results in the control of spider mites. If the webs were stretching from fan leaf to fan leaf, it might just be spiders (which eat spidermites). If the webs seem to cover a bud or the entire structure is on the under side of one fan leaf at the joining of the fingers, then It might be spidermites. The best way to take care of them is with neem oil or a neem oil concentrate like azamax. There are about a billion products that claim to have an effect on mites, but it's best to go with the tried and true. Some other products are: mighty wash, sns, nuke em, floromite (poisonous), green cleaner, organicide, ect
The web was actually from a sugar leaf to the frame of my trellis net. I guess I just assumed it was spider mites since I've been told over and over that everyone gets them, especially their first time growing. I also didn't know about the neem oil. Maybe I'll pick that up if the web's start to wrap around the buds. Thanks for the info.
The web was actually from a sugar leaf to the frame of my trellis net. I guess I just assumed it was spider mites since I've been told over and over that everyone gets them, especially their first time growing. I also didn't know about the neem oil. Maybe I'll pick that up if the web's start to wrap around the buds. Thanks for the info.

Just look for spider mite damage around where you saw it (little whitish specks or indentations on the fan leaves). It kind of sounds like a spider web to me though.
I don't have a loupe yet so I'm constantly checking for damage to the plants. The web was the only sign that I seen so far. But I'll double check tonight. Hopefully it is just a spider.
Good call... Checked every leaf top and bottom. Not a single sign of mite damage and no new web's. Thanks a bunch.
Good call... Checked every leaf top and bottom. Not a single sign of mite damage and no new web's. Thanks a bunch.

Never a bad idea to apply a preventative neem spray once every couple of weeks. It is easier to KEEP them out than to GET them out.
Can that be sprayed on the buds? Or only the leaves?

It's generally not a good idea not to spray after week 4 or 5 of bloom when it's not absolutely necessary. You can spray neem in bloom before then, and the spray can get on the buds too, but you shouldn't ever spray the buds directly. Basically, you're aiming for the leaves, but you're going to miss a little and that's ok.
Has anyone sprayed buds with captain jacks dead bug that are more than halfway through their bloom cycle?
I've got thrips and I've been noticing some crystal like eggs attached to the stems of fan leaves, are they the thrip eggs or something else?
If only I didn't pick up that bag of coco from the shop, sheesh!
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