Chopped off my plant's head

Bonza had nothing to do with your girl's coming back.You cared for them.:bravo:

Yeah...well there's that, but their seeds are far more apt to survive, they are hardier. I have not had this same sort of results elsewhere.:slide:

I also just planted one in vermiculite on Wednesday night and :rollit:Saturday I have an inch high plant.
Well folks here we are at a bit past three weeks and everyone is doing better than fine,

The wee girl who got here head chopped off has grown 5 inches which doesn't seem like much, but she was chopped off her stem that she had barely rooted from and should have died. She is an autogrow, and thankfully is growing heaps of foliage and no flowers yet. Her rightful age should be 8 weeks! So lets keep and eye on her and see what she does.

The other that all but got chopped off in the shopvac has actually grown 8"

Less than a week ago I came on here to ask what to do with her. Her leaves were pathetic still though she had gained stem height.

Now today, after changing the lights last Monday and increasing my watts to 600, she is no longer looking like a delicate Sativa, but now has the thick green foliage of an Indica.

All of my plants are starting to look like professional growth.

My only gripe is the last two orders of seeds has dealt me NADA. No sprouts. And since I started 5 successfully, I do not think it is me. I have done this two ways. The first I followed my own procedure and started them in Perlite.

After 4 seeds produced nothing I decided to germinated them in moisture. Again, nothing.

Do you think customs xrayed them to death?
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

I don't see free shipping,but didn't enter mt info.Be nice tho.
BTW.Your avatar kinda freak's me out.

Can you believe this? :tommy: Please.

The little girl who got sucked in the ShopVAC has grown almost a foot since her catastrophe. :thumb: She is full, abundant with gorgeous thick foliage and getting ready to sprout. :bravo:The other whose head was chopped off, I put the head in perlite if you recall, it grew roots and and is about 4" taller. :cheer:

If I were to bet everything I have in life, I would lay 100 to 1 odds that it is the :adore: Royal Gold Tuper.

The lights helped, I am certain. But the plant that looked the worse, the one from the shopvac incident is growing like no tomorrow. She was transplanted with the RG.

The other I was growing in perlite and even though it has a decent root system, it is not growing upwards as it should.

I have transplanted her today in the Royal Gold.

The ideal thing about the RG is you can feed :morenutes:the plants as much and as often as you wish with no ill effects. ANd I do. I feed it rooting stimulator every other feeding and fish emulsion in between. A good fish emulsion should actually smell like strong tea. If it smells like fish guts you got the wrong stuff.

Let me get on here in a couple of days and we'll see how much she grew!:yummy:
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