Chopped off my plant's head

Re: Chopped off my baby's head

It look's like decent mix.50 pound's,How much is that in cu ft.?

it says 51.4 dry quarts and it is 2 cubic feet. So I don't know exactly how many pounds that is. But the bag is huge. And I paid $35 for it which is pricey I paid too much:

Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Yeah I already got a 50 pound bag of rice hulls, and eighty eight pounds of compressed coco. I'm stocked up for my 7+ years plan. I'm not going to deal weed, but just dropping out of dealing with dealers. I want to go totally covert until the drug war is over.

I hate even buying supplies to grow with, because I'm afraid it may bring the police to my door. So I got all my buying over with in the same week. That was months ago now, so I'm starting to feel a bit safer.

If I were you I'd get a regular seed strain of autos, and make seeds. Buying seeds is one of the riskiest parts of growing. You get locked into doing it over, and over buying female seeds. They get evidence, and your address if customs finds seeds.

I am not Aaron Sandusky, I don't buy any more than 4 seeds at a time in a month. I don't think I am worth the pain in the ass for the cops to bust me. Nine times out of 10 they will fall over laughing when they see my paltry garden.

After all this, I think one solution for Texas would be to allow people to grow their own. It will be some time before they make it medically legal, but if they said "ok folks. you can grow your own, a minimum of 5 plants at a time, for your own use. It would be a good place to start. And the threat to their moral turptitude would be decreased since it is not an easy thing to grow as some people have said.

They think because it is called a weed, it should be easy. Fact is, a weed is anything that chokes out indigineous growth or is just not an attractive or edible thing to grow.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Yeah I'm not so sure about plant counting.
Total weight of crop might be a better idea.
I watch some of those youtube guys grow a pound,
and a half off one hydro plant.
Four of those would mean 6 pounds.
Not that I couldn't smoke 6 pounds given time,
but it's hard to believe it's for personal use.
Auto growers suffer under plant counting.
My goal is a oz every week.
The reality is more like 3/4 oz every 10 to 14 days.
Keeping your grow under a certain total dry weight makes more sense to me.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

I have ordered some regular seeds for polination and have saved some of my good bagweed seed.

Did you get auto seeds?
Bag seed is cool too if you're all light tight, and ready to go 12/12.
I'm not. I like the autos because you don't have to do all that stuff.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Yeah I'm not so sure about plant counting.
Total weight of crop might be a better idea.
I watch some of those youtube guys grow a pound,
and a half off one hydro plant.
Four of those would mean 6 pounds.
Not that I couldn't smoke 6 pounds given time,
but it's hard to believe it's for personal use.
Auto growers suffer under plant counting.
My goal is a oz every week.
The reality is more like 3/4 oz every 10 to 14 days.
Keeping your grow under a certain total dry weight makes more sense to me.

Wait...what? :lot-o-toke:A pound???? Please tell me where to get those seeds and how to do it.:goof:
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

The governments got the situation all messed up with all the drug war propaganda.

People are supposed to be living in a free country, but all were free to do is buy consumer products.

Try to grow a harmless plant, and keep yourself outta the line of fire between drug dealers, and police,

And they wanna kick down people's doors, and make up a ton of lies about them growing hundreds of pounds.

They wanna call it the gateway drug, and they create the gateway through prohibition.

So we create a black market because anybody who's tried it knows it's harmless.

Underground networks spring up everywhere to fight the wrongness of that hypocrisy.

But those networks become corrupt, and other things move through the gateway they created.

Other things like crack, heroin, or even guns have been offered to me when buying pot.

I wasn't interested, but it goes on, and on like that, because of the popularity of cannabis.

It's not the smoking of cannabis that creates some kinda reefer madness craving for other drugs.

It's the never ending exposure to other illicit activity that gets people to try something harder.

Make cannabis legal, and you remove the support it gives to the black markets.

It is the number one "drug" everyone gets busted for!

Cocaine, and other real drugs like it don't have near as many users.

The war on drugs has always really mainly been a war on weed!

Oh my goodness!!!

I LOVE Bonza!

The plant who only had two little baby leaves and two starting leaves whose head I chopped off, rerooted!!!!! With no rooting solution.

And the other that almost got scooped up in the shopvac?

Doing great and outta ICU!

I love Bonza Seeds!!!!!
Bonza had nothing to do with your girl's coming back.You cared for them.:bravo:

Yeah...well there's that, but their seeds are far more apt to survive, I have not had this same sort of results elsewhere.:slide:

I also just planted one in vermiculite on Wednesday night and :rollit:Saturday I have an inch high plant.
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