Chopped off my plant's head

Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Spring? Humm I lived there a long time.
I loved the crawfish festival in old town spring.
I see that drought was in 2011.
I moved away over 5 years ago.
I guess I missed those droughts.
Sorry if I upset you, but I wasn't trying to argue.
I really am speaking from personal experience.
You seem kinda mean now.
All I said was I liked you, and pointed out the many things we had in common.
Oh well don't worry about me. :(
I won't be bothering you anymore.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Spring? Humm I lived there a long time.
I loved the crawfish festival in old town spring.
I see that drought was in 2011.
I moved away over 5 years ago.
I guess I missed those droughts.
Sorry if I upset you, but I wasn't trying to argue.
I really am speaking from personal experience.
You seem kinda mean now.
All I said was I liked you, and pointed out the many things we had in common.
Oh well don't worry about me. :(
I won't be bothering you anymore.

Really? You are awfully thin skinned. You made the decision to argue the point. All I did was prove my end of the issue. As I wrote previously I have lived here since 1979. My first year I lost my lawn and almost got a ticket. I have given you several links. Did you read them all?

And since you have lived here, you know the passion that goes into lawncare here. It is very competetive with prizes afforded to homes that present well.

Anyone who has lived here and lived in a house would be right here with me. And their arguments would be a lot more heated.

I had no idea you would take it so personally.

I thought you were a friend... friends agree to disagree. And the loss is yours. I am not being egotistical in saying that. I am a researchist. I try to never say anything that I cannot prove. So I am a fount of information. And if I don't know the answer, I will do everything I can to get that answer.

oh...yes, the crawfish festival is an event to look forward to. Old Towne Spring is a magnificent trip to the past with wonderful event for all seasons. Thier Christmas Bell concert is amazing. Around 20 people are in the chorus and each handles a different size/tone bell.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Yeah I miss Spring, and Old Town Spring the most outta anywhere I lived in Texas.
Honestly for me it's more important how you treat your friends than winning arguments about the weather.
I really liked anywhere between Spring Cypress, and 1960.
You ever go to Molly Malones? lol
Or the one on Kuykendahl? Molly Maguires?
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Can anyone tell me if Fertilome root stimulator is a good idea and will it hurt my plants?
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Yeah I miss Spring, and Old Town Spring the most outta anywhere I lived in Texas.
Honestly for me it's more important how you treat your friends than winning arguments about the weather.
I really liked anywhere between Spring Cypress, and 1960.
You ever go to Molly Malones? lol
Or the one on Kuykendahl?

Ok, thank goodness we are over all that. I appreciate your thoughts on how one treats friends but that goes both ways. To be a friend, you should be able to be honest. Letting a friend win a discussion is one of the most unfriendliest thing you can do. If you do not question an error, they will continue to be uninformed and will look foolish to others. Is that what your friends do? Let you look bad? And it wasn't a discussion about the weather, it is a discussion about growing a plant.

Perhaps someone just moved here, read this thread, never saw my responses and planted a plethora of seeds thinking they will need little attention and then lost the crop.

I do not look at conversations per say as arguments just because one does not agree. I do not look at this as a competition.

When one suffers through something, their passion regarding the issues that caused loss are going to be more pronounced.

Nope, never been to Malones.

I lived in Champion's Forrest very close to Kuykendahl.

Maybe we should issue a challenge and ask people to pronounce Kuykendahl.

That should be fun.:high-five:
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

I'm looking at Root stimulators myself, and haven't even looked at that brand yet.

But I know the champion forest area very well. You, or your family must be rich! haha

I'll add that fertilome root stimulator to my list of possibilities.

I was reading this earlier on that topic.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

I see it's high in P, and has Indole Butyric Acid.
Both of those are what you want for roots.
It had the lowest price of anything else I saw on amazon so far.
Only has three reviews, but all are good.
Your growing autos right? Is it in soil?
I see all the forums, and such recommending root stimulators for auto strains also.
That's why I'm looking for one, but so far I've been able to grow without.
I just wonder if I could be doing even better.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

I'm looking at Root stimulators myself, and haven't even looked at that brand yet.

But I know the champion forest area very well. You, or your family must be rich! haha

I'll add that fertilome root stimulator to my list of possibilities.
I was reading this earlier on that topic.

I will admit, I was born in Kenosha Wisconsin lacking very little. My husband who is now passed, worked for NASA. He smoked a bong every morning. I do not know if they ever drug tested him. He was a valued employee who created the arm for the Saturn 7 mission and worked in the conservatory on Mt. Holiakala (The movie Contact was filmed there) working on the Faulkner Telescope.

After our divorce, I started working in AutoCAD to make ends meet. He didn't give me much in support. I faired well and became very well known in Houston for my skills. I ended up starting my own Engineering Drafting company. So I came by my $ with hard work.

In 2010 while living in New Hampshire with someone I truly loved and respected for 14 years, I found out that all my retirement money was gone. Stolen.

I found this out after this person told me our relationship was over. After quitting my company to stay at home and take care of this person's mother in our home until she died, and then this person's father until he died, I was told that we were no longer a couple. I had no idea, everything was perfect until that one sorry day. I was devastated and ended up in the hospital on life support from a drug overdose. When I was released from the hospital, this person had packed up all my precious belongs and put them in storage, then moved.

I had no money, no home...oh, and I had let this person use my vehicle along with theirs to buy a new car. After all, I had retired and had very little use for the car since I did everything with this person.

So, no car also. I was in New Hampshire when this happened. A good friend sent me a ticket to come back to Houston.

I was homeless otherwise.

I now live in a really nice SOA with others who have been down on their luck. So I have seen both spectrums of life. I thank God that I was always generous with people in need and always had a dollar or two to give them. Because now when I was in need, my best friend was here to help me and he found me this beautiful low income housing.

Lesson: Never judge anyone holding a homeless sign, because one day, it may be you.

That is why I grow my own. I cannot find but one person to supply me, and he does not do it for a living, so it isn't important to him when I run out. And the cost is so high down here. I barely make enough every month to live.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

I see it's high in P, and has Indole Butyric Acid.
Both of those are what you want for roots.
It had the lowest price of anything else I saw on amazon so far.
Only has three reviews, but all are good.
Your growing autos right? Is it in soil?
I see all the forums, and such recommending root stimulators for auto strains also.
That's why I'm looking for one, but so far I've been able to grow without.
I just wonder if I could be doing even better.

I found it VERY cheap on EBAY. They also had root stimulator that you spray on foliage:


I ordered:

ferti-lome Root Stimulator & Plant Starter Solution, 4-10-3, 16-oz. Concentrate

Like I said one little girl :rip:who was almost sucked up in a shop-vac is showing new growth.

I am NOW using Royal Gold Tupur container mix. It is made specifically for this purpose. I saw it on a aggie site for growin 420.

Till now, I have been using vermiculite, straight (not Miracle Grow, they have added :morenutes:nutes that may be bad for your girls) d had excellent results in germinating and initial growth. Of course I haven't had a plant reach anything more than 4 weeks due to my resistance on spending any money.

So as of two days ago, they have 5 times more light, they have TUPUR and soon will have stimulator.

I think it will be exciting :party:to everyone if I am successful, as I have had nothing but bad luck.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

That's horrible sorry! :(

Now I feel sad.

I'll try to give you good growing advice.

I've only been at it a few months myself tho.

I got married, and divorced myself when I lived in spring.

I let her have everything even down to my CD collection.

I left with my clothes, and my car, and that's it.

I supported her the whole time we were together, and she was making more than me.

I was a pot smoker when we met, but that was just too much for her after we got married.

All she did was save money, and when she had a bank account full she wanted to break up.

Your stories way sadder tho. Sorry I called you mean.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

That's horrible sorry! :(

Now I feel sad.

I'll try to give you good growing advice.

I've only been at it a few months myself tho.

I got married, and divorced myself when I lived in spring.

I let her have everything even down to my CD collection.

I left with my clothes, and my car, and that's it.

I supported her the whole time we were together, and she was making more than me.

I was a pot smoker when we met, but that was just too much for her after we got married.

All she did was save money, and when she had a bank account full she wanted to break up.

Your stories way sadder tho. Sorry I called you mean.


Mine is no more hurtful than yours.

A lot of marriages break up over the use of MJ. It's sad really, because the same amount of marriages where there is alchohol actually fare better.

Now I do have issues with people who put their pot money at the top of the list before groceries and other important bills.

The person I was with worked in Anesthesia for the VA. They drug test a lot. So I didn't smoke for almost 20 years, because the person I was with before that also was against weed, yet drank like a fish.

Isn't it something that these people can judge us for so little and take so much?

I think weed :bong:smokers are some of the most trusting people on earth.

Re: Chopped off my baby's head

The governments got the situation all messed up with all the drug war propaganda.

People are supposed to be living in a free country, but all were free to do is buy consumer products.

Try to grow a harmless plant, and keep yourself outta the line of fire between drug dealers, and police,

And they wanna kick down people's doors, and make up a ton of lies about them growing hundreds of pounds.

They wanna call it the gateway drug, and they create the gateway through prohibition.

So we create a black market because anybody who's tried it knows it's harmless.

Underground networks spring up everywhere to fight the wrongness of that hypocrisy.

But those networks become corrupt, and other things move through the gateway they created.

Other things like crack, heroin, or even guns have been offered to me when buying pot.

I wasn't interested, but it goes on, and on like that, because of the popularity of cannabis.

It's not the smoking of cannabis that creates some kinda reefer madness craving for other drugs.

It's the never ending exposure to other illicit activity that gets people to try something harder.

Make cannabis legal, and you remove the support it gives to the black markets.

It is the number one "drug" everyone gets busted for!

Cocaine, and other real drugs like it don't have near as many users.

The war on drugs has always really mainly been a war on weed!
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

The governments got the situation all messed up with all the drug war propaganda.

People are supposed to be living in a free country, but all were free to do is buy consumer products.

Try to grow a harmless plant, and keep yourself outta the line of fire between drug dealers, and police,

And they wanna kick down people's doors, and make up a ton of lies about them growing hundreds of pounds.

They wanna call it the gateway drug, and they create the gateway thru prohibition.

So we create a black market because anybody who's tried it knows it's harmless.

So underground networks spring up to fight the wrongness of that hypocrisy.

But those networks become corrupt, and other things move though the gateway they created.

I am in the midst of writing some rhetoric for a lobbyist here, so you're preaching to the choir:Namaste:

But everything you say is on the mark. I am doing mega research right now and I am more surprised everyday. The amount of money Texas pours into the coffers of the rich to keep this from passing law is henious, unforgivable.

This republican state is short sited and never looks at the long term money making industry this is. Our prisons are filled to overflow and would be substantially decreased should effective MJ laws go into effect.

I am ill. I cannot get through a day without vomiting. Nothing helps. The scripts the doctors write never work, are bad for you and cost way too much for the little affect.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Sorry to hear you're not feeling good.

No doubt in my mind that smoking pot helps there.

I hope your grow gets going better.

I've never heard of that potting soil you use.

Should work good tho. :)

I use coco mixed with rice hulls.

I've posted a lot of stuff about how I do things in my grow journal.

I'm all about saving money, and don't buy things without a lot of research.

But there are a lot of myths, and conflicting schools of thought concerning growing.

Lots of ways it can be done right as well, so it makes it pretty confusing.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Sorry to hear you're not feeling good.

No doubt in my mind that smoking pot helps there.

I hope your grow gets going better.

I've never heard of that potting soil you use.

Should work good tho. :)

I use coco mixed with rice hulls.

I've posted a lot of stuff about how I do things in my grow journal.

I'm all about saving money, and don't buy things without a lot of research.

But there are a lot of myths, and conflicting schools of thought concerning growing.

Lots of ways it can be done right as well, so it makes it pretty confusing.




That is why I am here trying to learn and cut cost. I have been reading your journal and it has some pretty good stuff.

I wish I could find that site where the Tupur was recomended

But here is the G00GLE search for it and this is a pretty good list:
royal gold tuput used to grow weed - Google Search

I paid $35 for 50 pounds. That aint bad, but too bad you aren't close by. I have far more than I'll ever iuse...or maybe I will.:cheer:
Re: Chopped off my baby's head


I found it, I think

Here is a quote:
Place the clone in a pot filled with a planting medium. Although potting soil would technically work, we use a soilless growing media made from coco fiber, worm casings, perlite and vermiculite because it's developed specially for marijuana, even though (manufacturers) don't admit that. You can get premixed versions at grow stores — Royal Gold Tupur is a good brand.

Read more: Marijuana: The truth about growing your own pot - The Denver Post Marijuana: The truth about growing your own pot - The Denver Post

See? :slide:I did that just for you,.

Royal Gold is a soil-less combination of all the above.

But maybe you can help me. The description is confusing, It says it is developed with the idea of feeding your plants as much and as often as possible.

To me, it sounds like the TUPUR is a plant food when it is obviously a container mix.

Do they mean the mix provides the venue for feeding? Or does the mix actually do the feeding?

I have sent messages to the royal gold people and received nothing back.

So far, I have the stunted little lady I have been talking about in this mix. She looked dead yesterday, hopeless. Today she has all new growth.:helpsmilie::thanks:
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Yeah I already got a 50 pound bag of rice hulls, and eighty eight pounds of compressed coco. I'm stocked up for my 7+ years plan. I'm not going to deal weed, but just dropping out of dealing with dealers. I want to go totally covert until the drug war is over.

I hate even buying supplies to grow with, because I'm afraid it may bring the police to my door. So I got all my buying over with in the same week. That was months ago now, so I'm starting to feel a bit safer.

If I were you I'd get a regular seed strain of autos, and make seeds. Buying seeds is one of the riskiest parts of growing. You get locked into doing it over, and over buying female seeds. They get evidence, and your address if customs finds seeds.
Re: Chopped off my baby's head

Yeah Thanks! It does look good.
I almost bought a 30# bag of worm castings.
I've used them before, and I like them.
I decided I didn't have too tho,
and I've pretty much proven that to myself now.
I'm not saying they're not good. They are.
You can just grow fine without them.
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