Clones dying... Help!


Well-Known Member
I took some clones last week from two different mothers and all died.

I followed the instructions in the various texts i've read religiously and used Good Rooting hormone gel, extremely clean/sharp exacto knife , and i didn't drench the soilless mix either.

I proceeded to cut two 6 - 7 inch clones from each mother and imminently after(to prevent an air bubble from getting in the stem) dipped them inthe hormone for a minute or two (the instructions say 10 seconds) and planted the stem about a 1/2 inch from the bottom of a 4 inch pot. The leaves immediately looked wilted, and i tried foliar feeding them, but with no success, and after 6 days they were dead.

Today i decided to give it another go and did pretty much the same thing only didn't foliar feed and didnt soak the soil nearly as much. Also i used peat pellet cubes to help stabilize them. It's been roughly 2 hours and these ones appear to be wilting also. They have decent humidity also and temp.

If anyone could offer their advice it'd be greatly appreciated.
Re: Clones dying... :( :( Help!!

maybe the lights are too intense, maybe their size is too large for it to support itself, the less it focuses on leaf growth/maintenance and the more it focuses on root growth which is what you want. Trimming some of the leaves is a way you can do this.
Re: Clones dying... :( :( Help!!

hmmmmm very very good point you raise, i'll get right on trimming the 2 extra set's of leaves. Thanks for your input
Re: Clones dying... :( :( Help!!

i had the same problem and i found out that i was cutting fan leaves off and not a branch. usualy branches are more noticeable near the bottom of the plant.
Re: Clones dying... :( :( Help!!

Actually when i cut the clone the first time I removed the fan leaf by accident. I am pretty damned sure i'm cutting at the internode at a 45 degree angle but maybe i'm still doing it wrong.

I removed all the excess leaves except for the top growth, it seemed to reduce the stress on the stem greatly. Also the fluro is like 6 inches away from the tops of the new leaf growth, is this is a sufficient distance away? or does the light need to be even less intense.

Thanks again for your input,
Re: Clones dying... :( :( Help!!

hey man
i just started cloning some plants myself, I read alot about cloning , what i have heard is you need to cut the clone under the water to prevent an air bubble from forming in the stem, so like cut from the stalk then cut the stem under water then dipping in rooting gel and then trim fan leaves and cut off the any excess leaves, so there should only be the top set of leaves then and 2 fan leaves, so it helps
Re: Clones dying... :( :( Help!!

I think you are leaving the clones in the mix too long. If the directions say to only dip them for 10 seconds, then follow them. A full minute is most likely causing damage. Rooting hormones are pretty potent - but like any fertilizer, too much is a bad thing. I've had relative success rooting clones (losing less than 10%).

I use dip-n-grow and I follow the directions. I also use a fungicide/mycorrhizae which is placed in the hole in the soil before putting in the clone. The fungicide protects the roots from ay harmful bacterial growth which could kill off hte roots. after that I water with B-12 and Superthrive.

good luck....

Re: Clones dying... :( :( Help!!

Nope they didn't even go as long as a week this time. As far as the process is concerned right now i think the problem was the medium i was putting it into. I was just using promix with some perlite/vermiculite but a knowledgeable person informed me i should be using rockwool cubes so I'm going to try that and see how it progresses.
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