Cloning Medium


New Member
Well I just went to my local garden store and they never even heard of rockwool. Shit! I looked in the phone book and no hydro store within anywhere of where I live.
So the guy reccomends peat pots which I have, filled with peat moss which I bought. Can I make this work will it be better than cloning right to soil, what would be the proceedure of cloning using peat moss/ pots. Do I soak the pot and soil overnight like I would rockwool? Any help would be great.
I'd really like to know this to. I'm bout to do some cloning myself.
Can I put my clone in pure peet moss? If so how do I prepare it? Do I soak it overnight like rockwool. Or do I just clone directly into soil. What is the best? Thats what I want to know, what is the best medium for cloning.
Well I did it. Today I cloned for the first time. I used soil but peat moss squares filled with peat moss. I did this to retain more water. The clipping went well and the rooting powder is good stuff so I will let you know if all goes well. I have them under direct light 400 watts of cfl. I didnt do any soaking but I flushed them with a lot of water. finger crossed.
Pure peet moss in peat moss containers work great two clones and signs of new growth within six days. I just kept them really wet and misted them everyday. I thought I cut the stems to long but they ended up perking right up after about four days. Just some FYI
got to wal mart and pick up some gel crystals for ur medium, they are in the graden section. when there also pick up some rooting powder. follow the directions on the bottle of rooting powder and use the gel crystals as ur medium, and a grow hood. ur cutings will have root within 7-10 days.
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