Co2 danger levels for pets


New Member
I have 3 cats who are generally free to roam about the basement. I have a 5x5 grow tent down there with a reflector that is air cooled. I was wondering if using the Co2 bags could hurt the cats somehow, does it make it dangerous for them? I don't use the gasses or anything I just have this bag called exhale and it apparently lasts for many months and supplies grow tents Co2. I just don't know if the levels are dangerous for cats.
No, this should not hurt the cats unless they somehow crawl into the enclosed tent with it in there. Even then the bags don't produce that much Co2 seeing as they are just big hunks of mycelium. Your cats should be fine. I am glad to see someone actually ask about the welfare of their animals and whether or not it would be a problem for them. You rock!! Have a great grow!! :thumb:
No, this should not hurt the cats unless they somehow crawl into the enclosed tent with it in there. Even then the bags don't produce that much Co2 seeing as they are just big hunks of mycelium. Your cats should be fine. I am glad to see someone actually ask about the welfare of their animals and whether or not it would be a problem for them. You rock!! Have a great grow!! :thumb:

Thanks for the info, I ended up learning a little bit more about PPM and what it means. It helped me understand the danger levels of Co2 and other pollutants in the air. Pretty cool stuff, definitely going to invest in one of the PPM meters for like 200-300$
Even a cheapo $40 or $60 PPM meter will work nicely. If you have the money to throw around like that though all the better :D it is nice to see growers who actually consider their pets before diving into it. I see a lot of people who leave bud around or jugs of nutes around their dogs and I am like WHAT THE HELL?! My dogs get SUPER sick if they eat even the tiniest bit of pot. I always have those stoner friends though who just don't get it and they will leave roaches sitting around or bags of bud and I am like GOD DAMN IT DUDE!!!!! I have had to make people leave because they don't understand that they are endangering my pets. I hate it when they are like "my dogs likes getting stoned man" I am like no, they like the attention people give them when they are getting smoke blown into their muzzles, faces, and ears. I am sure we have all seen peoples reactions to dogs they think like that shit. They start petting them and "praising" them for being stoner dogs when all the dogs care about is the attention. People don't understand that animals thrive on attention whether it is good or bad. I guess some people have to see their dog deathly ill from ingesting bud before they really get it. Anyways, I am going on a rant. Lol. Sorry for the novel. I just thought it was really cool of you to consider your pets and put them before your desires. You are an awesome person!! :thumb:
I hope to be a Canadian licensed producer in a few years time so I try not to go cheap on things like PH pens and PPM meters, but for small spaces I go cheap on humidifiers and stuff. a 60$ filterless cold water humidifier does more than enough work for my room so I went cheap there xD I also went with a 40$ Co2 bag instead of one of those incredibly expensive contraptions lol.

If I were to give my cats CBD it would only be mixed into grape seed oil or the likes. I'd use a needle without a syringe to drop .1ml of CBD infused Grape seed oil at a time until I notice them able to eat, have less pain from arthritis, etc. I would never blow nasty carcinogens in their noses and shrug that off after when they act silly like kittens under the pretence that they are "Stoner animals" of some kind. That would just be cruel to play on the innocence and trust of your animal companions, if you ask me, especially for a quick laugh. My cat Sam passed away from kidney failure, no amount of MJ could save him and we never tried, but he had respiratory problems, athsma, and just fatness played a part in that. I wouldn't even let him above ground level if he was anywhere around smoke, most of the time just kept him out of those rooms entirely but he loves human company. All of my animals do, all the ones to pass have as well. we just treat them like the big babies they are and before you know it they can't help but to rub you all day long and cover you with hair lol.
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