Coco: General hydro feeding schedule


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what your daily feeding scheduleI is. I keep reading so many different dose amounts. So rather get a better idea from other coco and general hydro users. Thank you!
In Coco I generally go 400ppm /0.8ec from rooted seedling. Feed to run off every day.
Once they hit bloom upto around 600ppm/ 1.2ec if bits start going yellow.
When growing in a reservoir I follow the ppm.
Number goes up, add more water.
Number goes down add more nutes.
Number stays steady, do nothing.
It's roughly 100ppm per week of veg for the sweet spot.
Also about 400 ppm when they're little. my last grow was more aggressive than my first. early bloom i fed at about 1000ppm up to about 1300ppm late bloom.
was pretty much using the captains recipe. The Captain's Nutrient Recipe - Dude Grows
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