
You sure as hell ann change the flavor of pot by adding stuff to the water.
Add miracle grow til you harvest and your pot will taste AWFUL is one example.
As far as changing the flavor to something pleasurable like vanilla, coke, etc.--not that I'm aware of.
Plants don't taste like what you add to them.
Grinding up a burger and mixing that into the soil won't make your buds tatse like big macs.
Adding melted ice cream and chocolate syrup to the water won't make your buds taste like a sundae.

You can influrence the taste while the pot is in storage. I've even heard of people putting vanilla bean in the curing jar but I wouldn't do it.
I really really like the taste of organically grown, slow dried, long cured pot.
Slow dried and long cured pot has a rich bouquet of flavors and aroma's that is almost intoxicating by itself.
No need to flavor your smoke, just invest in some good bud. To me, flavoring is something you do when it tastes nasty.

Peace and happiness
ganjabang said:
can you really change the color or flavor of your plants by adding things to the water?:hmmmm:

Yeah I thought someone posted somethin by 'Greenman' recently about adding different types of fruit juices to hydro reservoirs or something shortly before harvest, so the sugars dont have enough time to ferment. I do love the natural tastes and aromas of the various strains though. But once I get these clones established that I'm workin' on, I'ma do a side by side comparison with a control, Botanicare Sweet, and Cherry Extract clone. Been wonderin' so long, I've gotta test it to put to rest for myself.
The color, aroma and flavor can all be influenced or manipulated through additives. FINAL FLUSH claims to rid growing medium and plants of superfluous nutrients before harvest. It comes in clear or non flavored, strawberry, Pina Colada and possibly others. It does impart flavor to buds, but why use these products when there are strains available that naturally have the taste and aroma of strawberry, blueberry, bubble gum........

"I believe in god, only I spell it nature."
Frank Lloyd Wright
adding stuff to your plant while its growing wont influance a change in flavor for example i used to foliar feed useing suger water my buds didnt end up sweat there r thangs you can do while cureing thow like those lil starbucks coffies u can buy at the store rinse em out cure your bud in it itll have that smell my fav is caremal
what really gets me, is skunk, i.e i had a bag of skunk#1 the other night, and it was in a double zip locked back, i went to my buddies to reef out of the couch potato, and on the way i could smell the skunky smell through the 2 ziplock bags, and my zipped up pocket, i smoked one bowl out of my doub bub and the whole house smelled like a pineapple skunk lol.
i also love the smell of cat piss.... i got some of that now, no amonia. i know a guy that has a 12 bubbler set up and ferts with deer piss.

dude i could smell this guys plants comin, i wasnt even out of my car and smelled cat piss. it was off the hook, he had 3 plants outside for the cops :D lol funny shit, and like 45 inside... stricktly grows cat piss in his home made 12 bub system, ferts everytime with deer piss. he grows skunk#1 stricktly aero. and the rest his own breed, its dank, i do know its ice X something x something x something x something, apparently hes been working on it the last 4 years. my goal is to get my own strain into CCup. i will do it, and all of you will watch. the only thing i havent figured out is how the hell am i gonna get finished product to amsterdam?
Any chemical product you add to the plants to change the flavor will only do so because there will be residual of that product in the final buds.

Don't taint what mother nature has already perfected.
DankCloset said:
...the only thing i havent figured out is how the hell am i gonna get finished product to amsterdam?

You don't. You take beans with you and grow it out while you're over there. Huge commitment cuz you'll have to be there to grow, process and cure it for the Cup. I hope you can do it.:bongrip:
Purple Max, WILL change the color of your plant. I am not some NEWBI to all this I know. It is made by the same people that make Gravity, out of Humbolt County Cali. (my sweet state) It is made of 100% organic acids that simulate cold stress when in fact the plant is healthy as can be.You could not be happyer.
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