Council Nixing Pot Dispensaries In Fortuna

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The City Council is well on its way to making sure the Friendly City stays clear of medical marijuana dispensaries.

At Monday's meeting, the council heard a variety of public comment on the first reading of an ordinance to prohibit the establishment and operation of medical marijuana dispensaries within the city limits. The second reading and adoption is scheduled for the council's second monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on July 21.

If adopted, any current operating dispensaries would have to close, but city officials are unaware of any in Fortuna.

After fielding concerns from individual council members about the possibility, City Manager Duane Rigge and City Attorney David Tranberg approached the council in May about adopting an ordinance to prohibit the marijuana dispensaries in Fortuna. The council agreed.

”The general mindset of our community is not very tolerant about marijuana use,” Councilman Dean Glaser said Tuesday.

Rigge said the intent is not to prevent those with 215 cards from using medical marijuana, only to prevent the crime that can be associated with such outlets, Rigge said.

”The dilemma for us as a city and certainly our police department is the incompatibility of federal and state law. The 215 law is so vague -- there's no way to really regulate it,” Rigge said.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Times-Standard
Copyright: 2008 Times-Standard
Website: Council nixing pot dispensaries in Fortuna - Times-Standard Online
They should put it to a vote from the citizens, and if it still comes out that the citizens don't want it, then it's their decision, not the counsel's.
I just hate to hear someone say they know what the general public wants, when it's really what they want!
some one with a 215 card should ask that they al;so forbid 7=11 s and the crimes that accompany bars and liquior stores
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