Determining Sativa Harvest Time


New Member
Can anyone explain the difference in determining harvest time in Sativa strains? How do you determine your harvest and what kind of strains?

Roseman has a great posting on determining harvest time for Indica's. I've attached the link below.. Check it out. It's a great piece to read.

Determining Harvest Time

Re: Determining Sativa Harvest Time ***

Can anyone explain the difference in determining harvest time in Sativa strains? How do you determine your harvest and what kind of strains?

Roseman has a great posting on determining harvest time for Indica's. I've attached the link below.. Check it out. It's a great piece to read.

Determining Harvest Time


The signs of ripeness are the same ie amber trich's, swollen calyxes etc The only real difference is that sativa's take longer to mature.:peace:
Re: Determining Sativa Harvest Time ***

I hear its worth the wait for sativas... have my first growing right now!!!
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