doin good but could do better.... help?


New Member
i started off lookin at yalls grows and i made a small grow room for myself. Everyday i notice more growth even when i leave during the day and come home i notice a lil. But can you all suggest a good plant nutrients that will help them grow even faster. Also under the right indoor grow condition whats your estimate on how long a small yield will take to grow?
Its all dependant on what you used to start growing (clones or Seeds?) . Vegetative growth is up to you, but when you throw it into flowering its all dependant on its genetics. Indicas (broad thick leaf fingers) take roughly 8-9 weeks to mature Sativa's on the other hand take anywhere for 10 - 17 weeks.Than add another 2 - 3 weeks for harvesting/curing/drying.
Also you should elaborate as to what lights you're using in your set up and other essential details .

I hope this helped clarify things for you, Good luck !
a little trick that i use indoors is take a small pail with a little water in it, go out and fine a place that wil sell dry ice (this may be a little difficult) drop a small chunk of dry ice in the water daily and close the grow room for an hour or so..... when dry ice hits water it creates pure co2 which plants thrive off of and will make them just explode with growth be careful how much you do this though because it can kill them if done TOO much, i suggest one every other day , do this when they are flowering and your buds will get larger as well hope this helps man it did for me
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