Help me grow make them grow better!


New Member
So I had a few schwagg seeds that I tossed out of my house, they are inbetween my house and a wooden fence. They started growing so I decided to help them, but they dont look so good (see pctures). I water them pretty much everyday, and they get sun whenevery its sunny outside (so pretty much every day but only for about 2 hours maybe (when the sun is straight above them). The temp lately has been up in the 90s. I dont really have the tools and equipitment to grow them inside right now, so please Help me help them get healthier and grow better. TIPS TIPS TIPS please
Re: Help me grow make them grow better!!!!

ok, heres another question, is it ok to pull them up and replant them in a pot? Will they survive the journey? and is potting soil good enough to plant them in?
Re: Help me grow make them grow better!!!!

kool. One more thing,

Miracle Grow Good Idea, or Bad Idea??
Re: Help me grow make them grow better!!!!

how long does it take to grow a healthy plant? From planting to being able to pick the buds?
Re: Help me grow make them grow better!!!!

Yeah like the other dudes said, if it's possible, dig them up and move them inside under some flouro lights. Or you can go and buy those HPS 600 watt expensive-ass lights but that would be a lot of work for shwag. But if it's growing outside and looks okay (unable to see pic) then just leave it, water it once every two days.
Re: Help me grow make them grow better!!!!

where can I get some cheap flouro lights?? Do black lights work?
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