Dont you love it when this happens?


New Member
IM running very low on medicine right now, so I cant medicate as often as I'd like to because I'm conserving what I have (Until Firday BABY!!! PAYDAY!). But after an hour of filling out a job application, I sat down in my room, and I spy on the ground my circular joint ash catcher. DUnno if you've ever seen these, but some cigerette companies sell these pocket watch shaped devices that, when pop open, an arm springs out to lay your cig (or in my case, joint) onto or ash into. ANyway, my girlfriend spotted this a few weeks after we met abandoned on the floor of her dorm complex....and inside, when we found it a year ago, was a fat roach! WELL GOOD FORTUNE HAPPENED AGAIN! TOtaly forgetting I even HAD that thing, I reached down, picked it up, and opened it....WOAH!! A half joint from last ski trip I TOTALY forgot about! Itr was a mix of sunshine weed and Humboldt Hash....WOO HOO! SO I went outside right away and smoked it down to a fat roach, for later, and now im hella litv :laughtwo: ! This little Benson and Hedges joint holder is definatly a lucky device.

Heres a pic of the container, ganesh hash sitting against its lid, the now small roach, a nug of blackberry, some blackberry shake (in the pill container), my dirty glass pipe.....ALL I HAVE LEFT TO LAST ME UNTIL FRIDAY!!!!


i forgot i had like a 20 bag and i opend one of my draws and alll the sudden theres this bag sittin there and im soo sooo happy aha
once i "lost" a pipe for about 2 monthes when i was living with my parents and i was super paranoid they found it but then when i was cleaning my room with my mom i found it and was like "ewwwww there is some old food mom can you go get me some paper towels" and while she was gone i put it in my stash spot i was sooo happy i found it but i was a very close call she wanted to clean that spot of the room but i volenterd to do it
I wish I could do stuff like that... kind of. But I always know where all my shit is, all the time. Seriously. Probably sounds like I'm saying that to be preachy, but honestly it's annoying. I'll even set aside little bowls of bud in various places, hoping I forget that it's there and then find it one day. But I just finish my sack, then think 'Hey, I tried to hide some weed from myself over here. But I've got a plan to outsmart myself- I'll smoke it now."

Yeah, congrats on finding the herb! :)
WOW MAN!!!! SOunds incredibly painful. ANy permanant damage? If ever move out to cali, med pot is waiting for YOU!
Sorry to hear that Hawker. Hope all is cool now.

Hawker said:
told my parents i tripped into a candle.

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
i found that the only good time to hide a nug or something and forget about it is when you come home at night drunk...i find buds all over my room...just pack em up as soon as i find em and smoke em right then and there...dont even move except to get the bowl or whatever...depends how big the bud is
Oh yea, I just found a gram of regs that I hit like a few months ago... kick ass.
I love finding a little stash. I'm like looking thru my metal box and I find some and I'm like woohooo and I sometimes forget I save roachs too, hehe :allgood:
man i have been low on weed too conservation its a way of life. i just burn allitle bowl in my new pipe i got from this girl. it has a little bowl so its perfect for when my pain comes. i burn when my back starts bothering me bad and i need to smoke to at least help allittle scence i only burn a bowl of street stuff. man i need more money or weed i am just waiting for my crop to finish.
Our Tokin Spot "The Shed" Has Been Called "Majical" By numerous amounts of people on numerous occasions cuz were ALWASE finding left over trees in ther. theres so many places to stash it... i mean its a shed! :Rasta:
ThievingJesus said:
I used to have that problem (Not that it's really a problem). You just need to pick one or two designated spots, and whenever you finish a joint stash it away while youre wicked fucking high. Most of the time you will remember and probably smoke it immediatly, but once you work it out to be part of you smoking pattern, you'll start to forget exactly when you hid your roaches and stumble over them eventually. My problem is i dont remember untill i'm high again, so i have to buy more weed before i can smoke my emergency stash.


That's hilarious. Yeah, I'd rather have this problem than forgetting my shit and leaving it out for people to find.
hell ya my friend before i moved, was like i thought i came over with bud and he was checkin his pockets but couldnt find it we were all stoned already so we thought he left it at his place he called the next day to see if i had found it i said no he came over and we smoked up and looked all over my house we were pissed it was like oz of kb we couldt find it it was fukin gone he ended up moved to fla. and later i moved too and we were beet and smoked the last of it earlier in the day and we wanna get high so we end up getin beers and we pulled the couch outa the truck amd holy shit the bag falls to the ground my friends all the way in fla so we smoke it i call him latr and hess glad that it us whos smokin his bag
Good stories...I remember once when my mum found 2gs and a coney and had taken them from me, i assumed to throw out. Anywayz, like a month later my mum had gone out, i had no weed so i went into her room to find a ciggy in one of her draws and what do i find, my weed and my coney in this little purse thingy. So i eventually smoked it all and replaced the empty saddy with grass clippings, and would return the cone to the purse after using it each time after. it all worked out, she never said i thing.
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